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Part of the issue is that coloring for books isn't always done by one person. For example, you'll see "Colors by Hi-Fi" on some books, that's a studio that does the colors not just a single person. I think it still stems from the old days where the main artist was responsible for everything!

Yes, when I said “isn’t” I meant wasn’t. They were in legal disputes with Viacom over some 300+ million owed to them, that was settled during 2010. In 2011 they became fully independent again.

Yes, that was from 2010. They were in legal disputes with Viacom over some 300+ million owed to them, that was settled later that year. In 2011 they became independent again.

Uh he tried, and his script was garbage. Seriously garbage.

To be fair, Harmonix was sticking it to Activision and Red Octane. Since Activision bought the rights to GH from Red Octane when it was acquired by the larger company. Harmoinix at the time was a smaller company based out of Boston and wasn’t a mid-sized company until 2008, when it was acquired by MTV and made Rock

That'd be -

I love that movie, and Turing was an amazing human being.

Soooo Robo-Robin Hood?

A couple years ago they released a 3D version of the film. No tweaking was done on the Dinos. It still holds up. The combination of the CG and the Animatronics is still on point. While it shows it's age slightly, the effects are still wholly believable. Saw the original print in theaters about a week ago and yup.

Yes but Killer Frost is an amazing villain in her own right. She can still be a good character and be villain. Besides, I'd love for them to just move Felicity Smoak there and get her out of Arrow, she's just been wasted this season.

Batgirl was originally a teenaged hero and mostly stayed that way. It wasn't until later that they started writing her older, even then she is still in her early to mid 20's. There is already a Batwoman also, which there was before Batgirl came into being. She's still around as well.

You're absolutely correct. A few of the episodes in the last series, notably the "Robot of Sherwood," "Kill The Moon," were specifically written for Matt Smith.

Well also voiced by Scatman either way really.

In the second Omnibus that was released. The creator stated that due to the Tsunami a couple years ago the manga was put on indefinite hiatus. He had plot ideas and ideas worked out but that he was growing tired of the idea of Zombies as they were to heavily overplayed in western culture. The manga and Anime were

They’re Khakis. You’re safe.

I’ve known it since childhood!


Oh I know. I know. It’s still in the works. Have faith! lol

Because there’s a second season coming. Seriously.

Go back to the cartoon. Rocket boots confirmed from 1999.