
I'm traditionally a Morgana main so I definitely know the Q KS feeling. Honestly though? I've taken to giving it back to them. When the say "KS," in chat I'll usually respond with the following -

Everything you said is dead on. especially with number 1 and number 4. Don't go aggo if your ADC wants to farm cs for late game. That's completely viable if they feel uncomfortable in their match up.

Oh the woes of relic shields lol. I feel your pain on this one. Or they rush to last hit the minion so you don't "take" it. Ugh.

I hope they run into the player Anklespankin or you link his vids in chat. Just for the extra troll potential.

The reason is that every time they AFK or drop from the match it immediately sends a report to Riot. That report can turn into disciplinary action in some cases. People will rage and feed in an attempt to give the other team an "advantage" in the hopes they'll finish the game faster. It's utter crap in all honesty,

Oh man! I had this Talon the other day that tried to same crap. He'd been toxic all game while feeding 12 kills. So I felt like trolling him. He paused in the bush in river by Baron pit as their Zed walked by. What Talon didn't know was that they had the bush warded. Zed was waiting to initiate as another team member

As a Support main I totally feel you on this. I was once on a streak with Braum and was 5/1/4. The last two were a Double-Kill I picked up by casting my ult to help in a team fight. People were like -

However, there are also players that are having a bad game and use these types of phrases to justify their own bad actions.

That literally made no sense. Sorry. They are synonyms of one another. Duress is a more serious form of pressure that typically precludes violence. Which is exactly what was threatened to people who wanted the cover removed. Also, If the artist felt pressure from outside feedback that literally made him ask the cover

This set is HUGE! It's also one of the most amazing LEGO models I've ever seen built. My dad owns this and I almost always have to check it out when I visit. My models when I was a kid don't even do this thing justice.

Trade Paperbacks. That is honestly the best way to go. They're often numbered in terms of volumes and if they're a major event or tie-in they will state as much. Paperback versions on Amazon usually run between $10-15 for around 8 issues on average. That's a huge discount in terms of buying individual issues, which

Three Volumes of about 3-400 pages each. A fourth followup story called War Crimes was made after the fact, and was four issues that spanned at least 80 pages. That's longer than most novels. If you break it down by simple script length, that's still over 1000 pages.

So you're defining external pressure as being delivered from a source of corporate or structured power then? That's what I'm taking from this. If that's the case it makes total sense as to why we aren't seeing eye-to-eye. I'll put it this way, as an artist/designer, I'm incredibly afraid to produce work at the moment

Same here. It's a serious issue that I think people are marginalizing. The fact that people doxx others and issue death threats in an open forum is staggering. I mention the digital gun for example, but it's not far from a physical truth. Take Anita Sarkessian for example, hell no I don't agree with everything she

Once again slightly incorrect. Your words and heart is in the right place, and I agree about the Charlie Hebdo thing. That was a different situation and not comparable here. DC had every intention of releasing this cover though. It wasn't until the backlash that happened from people to the artist - who requested the

I would alter your definition of Censoring a bit, but overall I agree with your points. Especially your last paragraph.

Vampire Crab Skin for Urgot confirmed. Rito pls!

Which is why I intentionally left the word out of my question. I understand the conclusion you reached however.

Yes, that option to not run the cover is weighed by the backlash and possible financial/legal issues that could ensue. they're smart for weighing the options, but the internet it was set ff the motion to. If they were more forward thinking they would have never approved the cover in it's current state. The feedback of

Black's Law Dictionary (6th ed.) defines duress as "any unlawful threat or coercion used... to induce another to act [or not act] in a manner [they] otherwise would not [or would]". Duress is pressure exerted upon a person to coerce that person to perform an act that he or she ordinarily would not perform.