
Yes really. He makes that point very clear in his torturing of Gordon. You know, when he's driving him naked through a fun house of horrors. He did this to attack him personally, to show him that anyone can become like him. All it takes is one bad day. That is the entire essence of the story. Not Batman. He does it

I agree with your overall sentiment, but I would say this. Having these issues in comics precludes who the comics are for. If they're for adults, then that is okay to a certain extent, however Batgirl's general readership is young females and females in general. While this may be something that as a man we can accept

It's not pedantic. You're explaining where you made the connection. Which I understand since the mass of this argument is based on censorship. I happen to believe censorship is what happened here. DC just pulled a cover they felt was inappropriate.

To censor something, the original must first have been released to the masses. Then the work is altered or reproduced with changes for the market at large. For example, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was released, then after the "Hot Coffee" incident came out the game was recalled and edited to have the offensive

Um, no that's a marketing move. Same product, different name. That isn't what happened here though. At all. Nice strawman argument though. I don't understand how people can read a post and claim that the poster used words that they didn't type.

Oh I don't disagree with the takedown. I stated as such. I'm responding to the idea that DC made a choice based on feedback. Doesn't matter where it came from. The pressure was there. People threatening the artist who wrote the letter based on the negative feedback he recieved were the eventual cause of the takedown.

I didn't claim censorship sir. Never once left my keyboard.

Or the joke at the end he shares with Batman. Or before that when Batman is begging for Joker to let him get help. That he'd be there.

But she didn't. That's the issue here. She didn't turn into a sobbing mess. However in that specific moment, (when the Joker shot her) she was frightened, terrified and sobbing. That is what happened. No escaping that, as terrible as it is. It defined her character for 20+ years.

He lacked Vision in his post

Couldn't the internet and the backlash from forum communities be considered a "digital gun?" If the internet hadn't risen up to call out the questionable nature of the cover, it would have never been pulled. So the gun in this instance is the voice of the internet community at large.

The part that made me disregard any opinions of it being a variant and should be printed, etc were the fact that she's wearing her current costume. Bad form. That right there put out all sorts of questionable points and raised red flags. It needed to be pulled for that, and the smile/touching/tears. Those are trigger

Oh thank the makers! I love this game, but I found playing it on my iPad to be a bit of a chore at times. I know what I'm getting when I get home. This game is fabulous!

Be the change you want to be

Looks a bit more...menacing, yeah? Less like he's actually made out of Play-Doh or belongs on the cover of a Redwall book? (Just to be clear, I think Redwall is awesome and do not mean that as a slight against the works of Brian Jacques or Ezreal. They're just from two different worlds!)

Do you have proof of that? Serious question.


And that I can understand. Completely 100%. Although Alan Moore hasn't done anything in a while. He is, in my opinion, kind of a strange guy in a lot of ways. He did that the same as Miller, the whole railing against society, and still does, without really providing anything in return. That's why I used him as an

So a Wonder Woman hating the world of men and being a reluctant participant in their world is misogyny? The rest of the Justice League even cowers and curtails (Green Lantern "taking her coat") to her arrogance and power while she verbally abuses and demeans them, only Superman can stand up to her. That would be

On topic - depth is subjective, and escapism is as well. Sometimes I just want dumb shit because I can't deal with any heavy thoughts for the moment. Hence why something like 300 is total escapism. It's Swords and Sandals for spectacle, and I don't have to put thought into it.