
Oh I agree about the books. Just the timing of the comment to real life situation. It's a little on the nose haha.

A metaphor for Pratchett and his Daughter - Rhianna Pratchett? That's kinda cryptic :-\

I...I am astonished. Someone other than me actually owned this as well! The Valiant's comics were amazing! I still have a hardback copy of the Zelda, Punch-Out!, Mario, Samus Aran and Captain N comics. It's literally sits out in the open for all to read. Thank you for posting about this!

I believe it looses it's elegance at the end, when the Alien bumps against the outside of the Narcissus shuttle. It's wonderfully shot and built, but that scene turns nearly the entire film on it's head. You almost can't help but laugh at it.

I don't argue with that. However, if they brought back the OT actors, it wouldn't really make sense to recast him you know? Also with it being 30+ years in the future after ROTJ, would Wedge still be the leader of Rogue Squad? Or would he be the general in command like the forced him to be in the X-Wing books and

His Ult is a 2.5 stasis-lock. Meaning everything within the range of the spell can't be targeted, damaged or act. It can be used on enemies or allies. That 2.5 seconds can be backbreaking in a team fight. Just ask anyone on the receiving end of Morgana's Dark Binding (a skill that is almost always called to be nerfed).

Sadly Dennis Lawson has no interest in returning to Star Wars. He turned down a roll in the new films one already :(

Azrael called. He's not happy.

The biker-esque Wonder Woman look? Nope. You're not alone. My fiance cosplayed it a few months ago lol. It was epic. I went as a greaser version of Clark Kent.

As everyone has said, read one. Night Watch is a personal favorite.

My brother said the same thing. Almost verbatim.

Myself, my brother and his wife all called/texted each other at the same time. All of us in tears. You are not alone.

I can't right now. I don't even know how to function at the moment.

While I can appreciate the idea and I'm all for diversity, why can't we have strong females that don't look like Conan's female twin? This is what I think of when I think of "Heavy Weapons Specialist," let's rock!

This is slightly why. It's not so much Russian per-se, but the idea of the Helga Stereotype. The Eastern European "strong-woman."

You are most welcome. I hope you guys can see eye-to-eye as well at some point. To be quite frank, it is exhausting even as a male to continue to come across this attitude, as it's one I've never subscribed to. Something I feel men need to realize is that their masculinity isn't defined by their "control" over things.

The African American Reverend L.L. Downing would disagree with you.

I'll own that. Sounding like one and being one are two different things though. Call me what you will, but the author and I talked civilly about this. She was kind enough to add the changes and I respect her for that.

No, my childhood hero was someone I saw as a military leader. When you are 9, and standing on the battlefield of the First Bull Run and you imagine what it was like to stand resolute while rallying your troops? It's a romantic notion. So I followed his military career and his command style was admirable. That was

No, the term Haole is a real term. The urban legend would be the "Kill Haole Day," but that's dependent on who is reporting it at the time. Some say it's real, some say it isn't. there was even a short film released about it in 2012. There is still quite a bit of tension between natives and non-natives (Caucasians).