
If I may, take a look at it this way. He is a writer who is trying to get his own work published yes? If in the midst of this he is seeing that his group is being marginalized by the winds of social change, he will probably be worried. It is his livelihood correct? The defense is because he might feel like he's caught

I agree with this. Extremes represent a very large knee-jerk reaction to an actual issue that someone has raised.

I would say it's his friends who apparently just wanted the nut-kicking fun that fire provides. I mean, a glass of water? A wet towel? No just nut-kicks will put the flames out. Ouch

What the actual **** is this GIF from? Holy shit lol.

I got a giggle out of that, but considering the cost of living in Hawaii is extremely high I seriously doubt it. There's also the factors of limited job market, limited housing options, and travel issues. It's an island so travel to and from is dependent upon other forms of transportation (boat). There's also limited

I'll star this and then weep due to the episode being referenced.

Dunno if this would be considered loathesome (considering the bombing against civilian targets above), but since it's on i09 I present this -

Noted. Still though, I don't think it's impossible for him to play the role. Actors can get haircuts and lose/gain weight for roles. Christian Bale did it for the Dark Knight films and he's only 2 years younger than Fillion. Hal Jordan was pretty stocky and old when he became Parallax.

He explained and I understand/agreed. I hate that Kinja takes so long to approve follow-up comments.

I loved the book. However, here's my take on the adaptation. They made a film about a Japanese Light Novel/Manga and managed to make it appeal to a western audience. Most of my friends that saw it had no clue about the original source material but loved the film. I can nod and accept the changes they made because it

Oh, okay I was confused. I'd be all for a John Stewart Green Lantern appearance. I read the Green Lantern Mosaic run from 92-93, and then his stint on the Justice League cartoon for 4 seasons. He was my Green Lantern for years until Rebirth. So I would totally be down for him taking the lead role. I always thought

He's been the voice of Hal for 4, soon to be 5, DC animated films. He actually fits the role quite nicely.

Why would a white guy play John Stewart?

Funny enough you can actually see the wires on Black Widow.

Which is interesting considering the American Civil War is often determined to be the beginning of "modern warfare." It's advances in repeating firearms, rifled barrels, balloons used for recon and combat, the precursor to the gatling gun, ironclad ships, submarines etc. Things like urban warefare tactics and trenches

I agree with this from the science perspective. Everything you said is true. However, since the arm was amputated at the battlefield hospital, the bacteria that could possibly have contributed to the Pneumonia would be difficult to prove. The larger wound in this case is obviously from the amputation. Also, the wound

I wouldn't disagree lol.

Fine, I'll bite. What facts are presenting? Also, what do you think you know about me?

No problem. Thanks for reading in general.

Well then. Glad you feel that way. Cheers.