
Thanks for the reply. Hope the new hire briefings went well also!

It is. I just wanted to throw that out there for shits and giggles. Although random piece of knowledge, the film Mission to Mars was also based on a Disney ride from Tomorrowland. Which itself was supposed to be remade into Nostromo, based on the Alien film.

What about the adaptation of a section of a theme park? lol

Amazon. They're, at the high end, maybe $50 or so for the Ultra Grade renditions. At the low end, $15-30 depending on grade/rarity. They're beautiful too and fun to put together.

He didn't rip the spike out though. Scarecrow thread the line through his jaw and escaped later. He was bleeding from the wound all the way to Penguin's Iceberg lounge later on in the issue. Batman just left him there as he crawled away under the fear toxin.

You're not wrong in your assumption. At all. However, even in his early years, primarily featured in Frank Millar's Year One, there's a scene where he takes on some breaking and entering thugs stealing a television set. This takes place literally the first night he puts on the cape and cowl. During the scuffle he

His run on Moon Knight was amazing though. I mean, he and Greg Capullo cut their teeth with Image comics. Both of whom were extremely influential to me when I first got into independent comics - them and Joe Madueira, Michael Turner and Alan Sivestri. They all had a very similar art style (well not so much Madueira).

Have you seen the stuff she's been doing with her boyfriend Fakenerdboy - Ryan Brandt? it's amazing!

Yea I just saw that as well. I just think it would be really odd for them to kill him off. Especially without a real reason? I dunno.

No worries, lol work is more important. I just felt like you asked questions about the comic itself and I wanted to answer you. You were also respectful in your original response so thanks for that. Cheers.

New 52, Dark Knight issue 14. The Scarecrow threads the line through his own Jaw and escapes.

Um, you do know that Batman was trained by the guy that trained the League of Assassins right? He does have that level of training. It is 100% apart of his character's mythos now. "No killing." It's what separates him from the criminals he is taking in. I'm not saying he doesn't get brutal, and the games to go

It's cool. I got earmoffs standing by...

Well someone had to do Leia's hair for all those years! Sheesh.

Why would Hulk kill War Machine? Has Don Cheadle been confirmed for Ultron? I'm curious as to how/why this would happen?

It's not just that panel. The whole book is filled with this weird, "That's not Star Wars" kind of attitude. Also, I appreciate you talking about the book, and trying to discuss it. So I'll do the same.

I won't even address real life politics because it's stupid. Especially when you don't know me or what I stand for. Save that for somewhere else. Leia in the films was a strong female character and should be respected as much. She doesn't need this crap as it doesn't apply. What I've stated is exactly what happened on

Nah. You don't look like a jerk at all. Actually this was quite an interesting discussion. Talking about this kind of stuff in an open forum is great. Who knows, maybe someone from a developer staff will read this and take the notes to heart XD.

Ah, now I understand. I totally get not liking the mouse and keyboard set-up. It's completely valid. I've gone from PC gamer to console gamer and back again so many time. The mouse/keyboard simply offers more customization overall in terms of control mapping.