
But there need not be a class war here. They talk about her being above the "plebs." Nevermind the fact that she was imprisoned, tortured and then fought her way out of the Death Star - yes she was "let go" but she still fought. She's not above them, and never treats it as such. When the stormtroopers stun her they

You are correct I am assuming that. Only reason for that is because it's rather default. Not saying there couldn't be something that revolutionizes it for handheld/console usage - much like Halo did for console FPS.

The loading screen featuring heavy influence of Saul Bass and the jazz era just catches my soul as a designer. I will definitely be picking this up. Thanks for posting this!

Ironically, it's not his crotch lol. It's above the waist line in his lower abdomen. Funny how our brain immediately runs to a dick joke right?

It wouldn't stop anything. People are still assholes and say terrible things in public - face to face. That's why they're assholes. Allowing complete access to all personal information through a medium like the internet is terrifying. The ease of abuse for that information is the highest reason why privacy matters.

She had more than symbolic power. She was entrusted with the plans to deliver to the Rebellion. Her station allowed her free movement, until Vader learned otherwise. During Hoth she is seen in the command bunker, issuing orders. She gives speeches to the troops telling them to protect their transports and outlays the

Haha we're only human. Typos happen.

Yes I know. That's kind of my point about the artwork. It shouldn't be Biggs, but looks like him. Although the second part of my statement made me sound like an idiot, about his character. My apologies.

I do love Terry Dodson's art to be sure, but sheesh, that looks like Biggs Darklighter making the comment about the "Ice Princess." That's not Biggs' character at all.

This panel irritates the hell out of me. They're turning this is into a class war where there doesn't need to be. It also seems to be turning her into this restrained female character and she never was. Ever. She's one of the strongest female leads in a film. The other panel with her and Dadonna is especially

I maintain they are in the same universe. I have no real physical evidence to back that up, but it just feels right. From ship design, to currency, to overall feel to the universe. They just seem to compliment one-another.

See, that's when the purists would say, Anime, not Cartoon. The actual definition of a cartoon is a simplified and exaggerated drawing or caricature. A 'toon is the animated version of that.

That's not true at all. Birdman was a blockbuster (a major release) as was The Grand Budapest Hotel, and Theory of Everything. All were offered at the local theaters here. With the exception of maybe something like the Avengers, or Star Wars, most of the indie theaters where I live offer the same films, just they

Indie theaters are fine yes. However, they typically offer only 2 screens and don't carry mainstream movies. None of the local indie theaters in my area would carry blockbuster films that are meant to be seen on the big screen.

But honestly, that's you letting someone else bother you. Which is completely valid, and yes there are people who are annoying as heck in a theater. I just tend to go on off days when I know the theater won't be crowded. Or I just shut them out.

However, if they make no money because people feel like just staying home, they'll close. That's sad. Especially considering some people really enjoy the cinematic experience. To me it is a place where for at least 2 hours, I can shut everything off and not be bothered. I can just lose myself in the celluloid.

Honestly. I think using shorthand in text and forums, etc, does effect your real world speech patterns. I have a few friends that not only say lol out loud, but will use JK as well. Instead of saying "I'm just kidding." They will actually go, "Nah. JK though. lolz" I tend to tune them out at that point. When they ask

HAHA - no seriously, actually funny! I was thinking of that game the whole time I was reading this.

I will start working on a GIF version of that Penguin shotgun blast from Monday's episode. "I was down to only one shell." BAM! -cue batman transition music-

So yeah, badass killer cannibal teddy bears. They're legit.