
Because it gives credence to the comics. Through which none of these characters and stories would be around. If these directors and writers care so much about the comics and the fans, they would be decent enough to toss a bone their way. It takes 5 seconds of screen time to do this.

There's a difference between continuity, and selecting who created the Avengers, and completely re-writing a character's entire origin and rason de etra. Especially when there's no reason to do so, not when that character is a completely viable part of the MCU. Avengers, the first one, is fine. Avengers 2 is where

For the first Avengers you are absolutely correct. Also, Edgar Wright's version was for Scott Lang - the second Ant-Man. Which means Whedon could have given some sort of tip of the hat gesture to the original character. There would have been nothing wrong with that.

It's not that they're more savvy, it's that they only accept what is spoon fed to them. They see internal logic based on what they've already seen because it "makes sense" to them. The issue is that we're dealing with a huge swath of characters, and it's just easier to assume that Tony Stark, the master inventor,

But see, not being a comics expert you didn't know who Hank Pym was. Therefore if had been introduced in an earlier movie, or at least alluded to in the first Avengers it would makes sense. Ant-Man was founding member of the team and should have at least had a cameo in some way.

Pffft. You expected him to not geek fail? Sorry, lol that was mean.

Sadly, Jhonen wanted to do an animated feature, but unfortunately it won't happen for the time being. when Zim came out and became the ridiculous Hot Topic phenom, they started selling the JHTM books there. Jhonen was rather unhappy about that. He didn't feel the book was suitable for their age demographic. He

No worries. Yes, TL;DR lol. I tend to give long explanations so I should have put a disclaimer there. Thanks for taking the time to read it as well.

You can interpret it any way you like that gives you the most comfort

Which part? The solo series or the taking things out of context?

This isn't an attack at you, and you can interpret it how you feel and fits your fantasy. Go for it. I never said the implication isn't there, but there's no sense in describing what I think because you've already subscribed to your view point. You've stated what you know, as a fact, for what happened in an implied

Nah they just dripped ;)

You know, I did. My apologies. Stating you was the wrong way to express my frustration with others, and led to what I said to being targeted at you in particular. I don't know you, but nothing in our discussion gave me reason to think it would turn out poorly. So yea, that's on me. Once again apologies.

I won't touch most of what you said. Honestly because we will have completely different viewpoints to which we could both discuss for days. Which is sad, because while I like discussions, I don't enjoy not being allowed to disagree, and am afraid of laying out the reasons for such disagreement.

Cute, but doesn't prove anything. especially because you have to keep using the word implied. Also, only one of them is wearing her make-up in the form of a lipstick mark. Not only that but they are fully clothed and most are standing. There's no disheveled or half-naked Jokers. If they wanted to do that they would've

Grasyon. GRAYson. His current book is even called Grayson lol.

I found the issue. Looked through it. It's not anywhere near as bad as you're making it sound. She's done all of those things in her previous comics, and even on the cartoon show (pantsing someone).

Maybe we won't? I don't know. I don't either btw. I just think since it's canon and precedent, it's a foregone conclusion at this point.

Found the issue, and guess what? There's not. She simply closes the door. She probably killed them because they tried to have sex with her without verbally abusing her first (which is what Mistah J would've done). It's an attempt to grasp at straws that DC "sexed up" Harley. Truth is, she's been a sexed up character

Nothing is out of character for Amanda Waller lol. She manipulates everything to her own whims. She consistently plays chess with people's lives for personal and influential gain, even with collateral damage being third on her list of concerns. Her slaughter of the LOA and it's entirety are a good example of that. Or