
I'm glad I'm not the only one who read this lol.

He understands Starfleet regulations. They can't kill a prisoner they've been ordered to bring home to stand trial. Therefore the weapons won't be used as a "last ditch effort." He effectively calls Kirk's bluff.

Yes it was P3P sorry about that. However he also appears in Persona Q. Easter egg or not, he's there. Where did you read that the developers stated that it wasn't the same character? Just curious.

I'm sorry I wasn't a little more clear. When Macross was being made, the Battletech asked the creators of Macross if they could use certain model designs, The Marauder (Khyron's vehicle famously), Excaliber, and MAC especially. FASA ripped, wholesale, everything you see in the original release of Battletech. In fact

Vincent is in P4.

It looks like a similar layout from the game Catherine. It is is I'd be really happy. I loved that game. And they do share the same universe so it's possible!

Last Guardian confirmed. Development was moved to Square Enix. Explains the delays on both sides.

All alone in the night...

"The regional governors now have direct control over their territories."

This might be a misinterpretation. While the EU isn't officially canon, the ideas are still there. In it, the Hutts and the Imperial Remnant were constructing the Darksaber (name of the book also). It was basically the Death Star's superlaser but vastly more mobile. It featured the death of Crix Madine - dude who

Lark Voorhees has some serious mental and physical issues going on right now. Google her. Considering she was in the original show Good Morning Miss Bliss and was such a major player on the show, she was probably asked to rejoin for this. It's a good bet that she was unable to attend to due to actual medical issues.

Yup. Dating Kelly Kapowski. That was seriously my goal in life. I hate to admit it. Went on to date three cheerleaders because of that dream....shoulda known better haha.

And yet has continually provided excellent content on his show and the Tonight Show since. I didn't like him either to be honest, but he's won me over with his passion for what he is into and what he does. Seriously. This was just icing.

Funny...his only claim to fame after SBTB was actually a porn video haha

First, there hasn't been a live action Macross film ever made lol. So they can't from that stand point.

Now playing

Hey! I love your column as it's pretty fun to read. Also, spot on about Game of Thrones. I'm glad it will be deterring from the books and standing on its own (it's been doing so already anyway). I do have a couple points I'd like to make regarding a couple of your entries though -

Traitor definitely had its moments. I feel like that novel stood on its own because it was mainly the Star Wars version of Dante's Inferno. It wasn't bad overall, and definitely a character piece for Jacen.

Yea thanks! I couldn't remember the exact quote, but then again I used to trip up on the words while trying to yell them loudly haha.

I agree. I guess I'm still so old-school with computers. I still have a Floppy Disk SuperDrive laying around...don't ask. I put an Optical Blu-Ray one in mine simply because I do a lot of video editing and what not and needed it for burning.

Yea having the other parts definitely helps. It would definitely change your pricing had you not. Yea, if you've got the full spec somewhere that'd be nice to see. Thanks!