
Personally I've always been a fan of the "I'm the mad bomber what bombs at midnight!" line and the other lines from that episode when he's muttering to himself and then randomly yells "Yeah baby! Yeah!"

Disregard my other post lol. Did you get anything refurbished? Or just hardcore shop for deals?

Like Auberon said, please tell us how you priced that. I built mine last year, and it was over $700 at the bare minimum of what I needed. That wasn't even including a mid-tier GPU. The bare essentials are above $600 - A decent MOBO ($80-100), GPU($120 for a R7 260x, or $150 for a 750Ti), PSU ($60-80), Case ($50-80),

For the freedom to handle your southern regions however you see fit. Without repercussions from governmental bodies....

Why Oracle? I love the character to be sure, but Barbara? She's never been a member of the team. In any incarnation. Why not Wonder Girl? Either Cassie or Donna. How about Aquagirl? It seems as if they're intentionally putting her in here to be a love triangle with Dick/Kori/Babs.

To be fair, Starfire has always been "sexed-up." From her mannerisms to her costumes over the years. The cartoon show really changed that public perception of her character, and when New52 put it front and center people had an issue with it. However, she's always been a "free-love" kind of person. That isn't a new

Funny enough, not only do I completely agree with this, but I own this book as well. Mainly because I just couldn't slog through anything past the Dark Tide novels. The Rogue Squadron books were my favorite as a child. They felt like the movies, and I couldn't get enough of them. Corran Horn is probably my definitive

You apparently have never read any of the Elric or the Eternal Champion books by Michael Moorcock. Link pretty much exemplifies this to a frickin T, all the way down to the Master Sword being in his every incarnation. The idea of those was that the hero isn't heroic due to his personality, but the weight of his deeds

haha That outrage already happened over in the article about the new trailer. It was quite hilarious. Actually I'm hoping the film does well also. I'm intrigued by the trailer. While I completely disagree with the swap of characters, I'm still going to go see it. No sense in not supporting it ya know?

Actually no, you are completely wrong. Try again. The head of Marvel's Shareholders has explicitly wished these cancellations in the attempt financially to hurt Fox. Furthermore, Marvel writer Chris Claremont has gone on record confirming much of this as well, this was the Pheonix Comic Con last year. There won't be

And swapping someone's ethnicity and claiming you're not doing it just for the sake of being diverse isn't? Anytime you have a predominantly white clique, and you add someone of color to it, that's what it can be called. Regardless of whether that forced diversity is on point or not. You literally helped his point. At

It's actually not all that odd. Josh Trank - writer/director - worked with Jordan (Storm) on his last film Chronicle. Because he wrote a character for that film that is very similar to Johnny Storm he brought over the actor that played him. Also, Trank comes from a mixed race family and wants to use the film as a way

Slight addendum, yes Nick Fury in the Ultimate line was created to resemble Jackson. Then the films came out and they carried over. No issues there. We had to continuities running side by side. However, due to confusion that the film's version and the traditional Earth 616 version (because of the race swap), Marvel

Oh no lol Felecity is gorgeous no matter what she looks like. Besides, her outfits aren't exactly "hiding" anything really. She's pretty in your face about her amazing...uh...credentials.

They are brother and sister. Same dynamic. How they choose to play that out I'm not sure. But they are still siblings.

So Mister Terrific, Static (Shock), Bloodwyn, Aqualad, John Stewart (Green Lantern), Cyborg, STEEL (who took over his mantle for years), Firestorm, Vixen, Black Lightning, Rocket or Bronze Tiger need not apply at all then? Considering most of those characters were apart of the Justive League and worked side-by-side

It's still pandering to change these characters at all. Captain America is black currently (being Sam Wilson). It's just not Steve Rogers under the mask. John Stewart has been a starring Green Lantern for decades - he was my Green Lantern through the Mosaic books and the Justice League cartoon. Superman is actually

I can't star this enough. Well played.

It's not stupidity, and pulling Wolverine into this is absurd. He's had just as many versions of himself than anyone else - Weapon-X and Age of Apocalypse immediately spring to mind. Yet he's always remained Logan. A white Canadian. That hasn't changed, and neither has the ethnicity of any other major comic book hero

I'm just gonna say thank you for actually writing things out. I really enjoy actual discussions and this is a very interesting one. So thank you for that. I also want to state, because I don't think I have, that I'm not against Jordan playing Johnny. I think the trailer looked intriguing (especially since I love