
He means a fan of Tolkien's original book. Which his edit is. It is not stupidity. It is closer to Tolkien's original work. The Hobbit did not have the scope that many attribute to it. There was no explanation for Gandalf's disappearance for nearly 20 years. The book itself, The Hobbit, was changed multiple times

I completely agree, or having Thranduil explaining to her what she felt was real. I 100% bet that there was more and it's being filmed now for the extended edition. There has to be as leaving it the way they did was so un-fulfilling.

You know, I had this long drawn out post ready to go and I realized something. You're laboring under your own conformation bias, and so am I. You're not accomplishing anything in the slightest. You can throw around all the cute anecdotes you want and toss insults across the internet at someone you've never met, and I

Since the undeveloped photos were bought at an auction, and there was no claim to the original photographer, the rights transferred to the person who owns(bought) them. Now if the photographer was identified, they would/could/should be given credit, but since the rolls were sold the rights transfer with them, the

Oh same here. I think he's fantastic! I was just offering why he wouldn't be a first choice as a casting role ya know?

Except Elba has been highly critical of his role in the Marvel movies and superhero films in general. He was apparently a handful on set of Pacific Rim and wasn't very kind about the action scenes and requirements he had to fulfill in the action role there. He has openly stated he doesn't want to do superhero films,

Hope you had a good weekend. Glad to know you still want to continue this. Yet, you actually don't contribute anything to this, nor do you actually provide any content passed misquiting me and making allegations of things I never physically typed. That's quite okay, but you still refuse to acknowledge several things,

You needed to post the response. It's easy to flame Rand for her words, but the fact that this is her response to Connie's return letter says a lot. She wasn't being bitter, mean or anything else. She was teaching the adolescent a lesson. One I was taught from a young age as well about money.

Why does it look like it's got a face and it's crying? Oh wait...I think I know.

Let's get Dick Wolf on this. Law and Order: KPAC

First off, I never stated he had a disorder in that quote, nor typed those words in any posts I have made. You have once again used a quote and added your assessment to it. You've decided to start pulling information to help your points. If this is the route you would like to go then by all means. You'll pull articles

At this point we can keeping going on about this ad infinitum. You seem content to attempt to try and pinpoint different ways to explain to me how I'm "wrong," while I have been content to answer you directly. You want me to see your point of view and back down. I'm sorry but that's not going to happen.

This is true, absolutely. Your own sanity does come first. However, if that person never gets confronted they may never understand what they're doing. Be upfront with them about things. Limiting your time with them, explaining to them why you feel the need to distance yourself from them, etc are all good ways of

How does that quote state he's dangerous? That is literally putting words on a page that were never typed. Which means you're creating a narrative and projecting your own interpretations of what I typed and meant. Which is what you're claiming I'm doing.

You don't see eye to eye with me that's fine.

I never assumed him to be lying. Far from it. He's being candid and open about his struggles. You have missed the part where I have said he should be supported for the progress that he has made. I will state that yes I've developed a narrative just as you have. Everybody creates their own narrative based on given

In a similar way yes.

No I'm not. It's harder to think of the fact that someone is using a surrogate means to continue behavior that's detrimental to themselves. For example, a person may have certain sexual predilections, but they know they can't perform these acts in real life. It is illegal. So they instead find a way to vicariously

First off, that was quite a read. You took some time to write that and not acknowledging it would be rude. Yes. Everyone has that capability. I admitted in another post that I myself had similar issues. So agreed. However there's a distinct difference between doing "stupid shit" and nearly killing someone. That's a