
Not badly written. It's just not spoon-feeding the audience. Yes it is voiced in the show. It's discussed when Toji joins as the pilot for the US constructed Unit-03. Yes, Misato learns that the Marduk report is a sham and that Kaji died trying to expose SELEE's true intentions. The manga adds a lot more to the story,

You're looking at this from a Western viewpoint. Which makes sense, but this is a Japanese show we're watching. Mental Health and especially psychiatric care is viewed rather differently in Japan, and especially in 1995, when EVA was released, it had just had a major revision to the Mental Health and Welfare Law. That

If they explained it from the beginning, it would've undermined the reveal later. It's a plot device for a reason. Not only that, but the story is a personal one for Hideaki Ano, and was his way to deal with the pain of growing up and the childlike behavior he still suffered from. That being not being able to act at

Yes true. They were candidates. They weren't pilots. There's a difference, and they were passed over for a reason. The ones chosen to actually, physically pilot the EVAs were the ones that highest sync ratio and therefore were the only ones that could pilot them with Maximum efficiency. They had to find each of the

Actually. They were chosen specifically for their psyche. They were the only ones who could synchronize with the EVAs based on the fact that the LCL within, contained the same brain patterns as either their dead parents, or clones of themselves. They were literally the only ones that could pilot them.


They did. It's called Hoplite armor, and was traditional of the time period for greek city-states. The Spartans just used a larger shield.

X-Wings do have an ejection seat. Look it up.

Honestly, it's been my favorite ship class from the pre-TNG era. That shot of it bearing down on the Enterprise with it's red bridge lights glaring was just epic as a kid. It looked menacing. Also, watching the phaser emitters that were fixed the to "rollbar" firing? That was just bad-ass. Before hand we'd only seen

We formed a focus group to determine the validity of this statement, and then formed a second focus group to analyze the first group's findings. Their results were highly conclusive. This statement is irrefutably correct.

So the guy gets a tree, a raccon, a tank and the green girl from Star Trek to guard the galaxy ;). What does he get for Earth?


If we're going that route. Yes it's possible that the lightsaber could deflect heat vision. Issues is, that's based on if Superman used it as a focused beam. He can radiate to cover entire swaths of area in front of him so I don't think the blade would help for long. Also in terms of Batman. He would always have a

lol you just described my girlfriend man.

OMG! YES! That would be the greatest lightsaber ever lol

Same here. I hope they don't play out this five year history stuff for 2 more seasons either. It's time to move on. I actually will come and say it. The Flash is the better show for exactly the reason you stated. The Flash feels like a comic book. It's adventurous, fun, there's some banter, but there's character

Yup. Complete with the millionaire back-story. I'm well aware of how much Green Arrow was a Batman knock off. However, he'd grown past that by this point. I was expecting the rogue-eque Green Arrow and Black Canary stories, not Batman with a bow and his villains lol. It's not a slight against the show or the writers.

Not a fair comparison really. Twilight Tales - the image on the right - takes place years after the original King of Bandit: Jing storyline. Of course he's going to look different, he's not a kid anymore.

haha not to be sarcastic but it's a hell of a lot more than just shading and detail. Those are almost completely different character designs. I mean 100% different. Costumes are similar, but everything else looks like a new team came in and went...oh my...and reworked it XD.

I like her because she's the bright spot. Everything is rather melancholy for the most part, and can become extremely OC Melodrama whenever Thea is on screen (wait, that's cause she was in the OC go figure). Felicity just tends to completely roll with the punches and whenever she does get serious is just makes me pay