Total Eclipse of Your Art

This is what liberals fail to understand. It’s what Obama failed to understand. They don’t want ‘bipartisanship’, they don’t believe a functioning society should have a left and a right to keep things balanced. They don’t even care about democracy if democracy isn’t producing the results they want. To them this is a

I remember reading this story—it made me queasy to say the least. The overlap between

The thing is, Pete is going to get a lot more attention from women having dated Ariana Grande now. And Ariana Grande still gets to be Ariana Grande. So while love is dead, it’s also probably fine.

I take issue with them encouraging her to “focus on work.” I mean, fine, if that’s what she wants, go for it. But Ariana has been through so much trauma in a short amount of time, maybe she can so relax somewhere out of the public eye and away from all of these toxic people who keep pushing her to produce when it

Yes, give me all the crunchies on top! I’m that asshole that takes the entire top layer and leaves none for anyone else. I am a monster.

I’ve got to give her credit for not letting pride stop her from ending it.

Mr.BK says I’m too pessimistic and he’s convinced the Blue Tide will save us, but the more I see and the more I hear, I’m also feeling the cold, clammy touch of inevitability.

It’s one of the most delicious things on the planet.  I’ve been trying to recreate a Keto version so I can have it for Thanksgiving.  It’s easier said than done.  I did find a decent green bean casserole soup recipe, though. It’s blended with an immersion blender so it’s just the essence of the flavors.  

Except, the entire top should be covered in a layer of onion. You should not see the green beans.

Pass the green bean casserole please.

I said it in another thread. I would not be surprised in any way that the GOP, and especially Trump, work to remove all Secret Service protection from Obama and the Clintons “to save taxpayers money”after this attempt. They will sell it to their base by making up a number that is nowhere near true about how it costs

No ducks here! No ducks! You’re the duck!!

Lookit, we all need to understand that, for the right wing, they are at war with everyone who doesn’t share their values. It’s right there in all their rhetoric: culture wars, and wars on Christmas, and wars on Christianity, and wars on drugs, and wars on men, and war war war. Maybe we need to consider that ‘going h

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s actually a Communist Atheist Feminist LBGTQ Muslim goose with a black hood on and a black lives matter sticker on it.

i still don’t get the love of her music. she seems fun, i’d for sure hang out with her. but she raps like she has the kind of stuffy nose that chokes you, you know? where you can like feel the phlegm built up back there but it’s stuck somewhere in your nasal cavity and you can’t breath from any of your orifices and it

This is also just fucking stupid - do the people that send these things think Hillary is walking down to the mail box and just opening whatever packages are there? Do they think Soros opens his own fucking mail?

So...everyone Cheetolini has been railing on about is receiving bombs in the mail. I know correlation isn’t causation, but...

As an aside “Suspicious Package” is now my porn name, and you can’t have it! 

That cold clammy feeling of inevitability.

I’ve already seen comments claiming that this must be a plot by the Democrats to drum up fear of the GOP, and that they mailed them to themselves.