“Honestly, I find myself wondering why the hell we’re still fighting over straight cis men (arguably the most unimpressive of our species) in the year 2023"
“Honestly, I find myself wondering why the hell we’re still fighting over straight cis men (arguably the most unimpressive of our species) in the year 2023"
Not particular to this article, but for people who want the full backstory on Tate, Behind the Bastards has just released the second of two podcast episodes (so far) on Tate’s life and career, complete with really interesting ideas (some new, some not) of why Tate is so appealing to teenage boys. Strong recommend.
Eh, I mean as much as people shit on Silver for 2016, he was pretty spot on. Trump was around a 1/3 chance in winning, just meant the right (read: wrong) votes had to fall in the right places and that’s exactly what happened.
No matter if the Dems end up winning the House, this has been one heck of a disappointing result. Given the shitshow that Trump has been fronting for the past 2 years, these races should not be this close.
All politics is local. The right has been filling local boards for years now, and creating networks for young politicians. If we want our progressive vision for an inclusive America we have to put the work in every week.
I am 100000000000000000000000% freaking out. Too much work put into the last two years to not get some real yield. I mean, how can this bullshit not be massively repudiated. I worry more that people either love it or do not care.
thoughts and prayers
This is what I fear. And this is also why I’m drinking far too much for a week night. My aging stomach will be a mess tomorrow.
Unlike two years ago, I’m not freaking out (thank you, xanax!) In fact, I’m giggling at this...
Working as an election judge tonight in a liberal city in a blue state. Tonight feels busier than the presidential election.
All this is solved with Vote by Mail! We’ve had it here in Oregon for years and years. That should be the next movement in states without VBM. It solves the polling place problems and removes the threat of voting machine hacking because there are no voting machines to hack!
Because Booker doesn’t have a halo, I guess? He flunks the purity test. Far too pragmatic.
the Senate race in New Jersey is between super-sketchy incumbent and bad Democrat Bob Menendez and Republican Bob Hugin, who earned Donald Trump’s endorsement.
she only said yes so he would get out of her way. i’ll believe she meant it when she says, “i do.”
Why am I not surprised that a company that supports trump thinks strip clubs are an acceptable business expense?
Ouch. This is revolting.
Let’s just say that you should never propose in a place where multiple people are shitting their pants, unless you’re in the preemie ward proposing to the baby’s other parent.