Total Eclipse of Your Art

My parents always thought it was so cute that I’d tuck all my dolls to sleep at night. They’d find their shoes turned into makeshift beds filled with Barbies. Tissue boxes were emptied in pursuit of tiny blankets. I was just such a loving kid with caretaker instincts. What they did not know was that my older sister

Museum mannequins to this date creep me the fuck out. I’m not talking the white, featureless ones you see in stores, I hate the mannequins that are specifically designed to resemble humans as closely as possible.

jesus h, the bravery of this girl. 

I thought the devil was real and only god (also real) could protect me. I put crosses around my bedroom.

I was convinced that the space under my bed was a kind of storm drain down into a literal criminal underworld. The mafia lived under my fucking bed and nobody was going to tell me otherwise. The boss wore a fedora and a black shirt with a white tie and the henchman had a hook for a hand. If, after nightfall, my foot

Is she gonna carry a bow around with her as well? Cause that'd be cool as shit.

I remember as kids we’d run full speed towards light switches to turn the lights on before the monsters could catch us. Because monsters disintegrated instantaneously when light hit them. And we had scientific evidence for this. We never saw monsters with the lights on, so obviously our assumptions must be correct.

When I learned about gravity in kindergarten, I thought that the center of the earth was literally going to reach out and grab me and pull me in to my death. I was very afraid. 

The Associated Press reports that the student was initially reluctant to come forward because the sexual abuse occurred years prior, but detectives found enough corroborated evidence after interviewing the three sisters to arrest Knight.”

Gee, I wonder why the girls thought that would be an issue. I am so over this

Must be a scary time to be a man....who has raped women.

Or more simply, the “free speech” people (read: the far right) love to bitch about doesn’t even apply in these situations because they’re not interacting with a government. They’re not being imprisoned for their hate, but they ARE being told to shut up, which we all have every right to do. They also have no right to

While I agree with your point that freedom of expression doesn’t mean freedom from consequences, in the case of the far/alt-right, its closer to yelling “FIRE!” in a crowded building. With modern communication tech, it’s so easy for them to get their message out to a huge audience with the click of a mouse. There’s no

If a private company decides they don’t want deal with Neo-Nazis or host Neo-Nazi speech, it’ not even an infringement of anyone’s First Amendment rights, given only the government can do that, which just renders their freedom of speech argument completely useless.

Now playing

Order at least 3 gross of “Nazi Trumps Fuck Off” stickers to send ‘em— Jello Biafra himself updated the classic hymn for the new millennium!

So I'm thinking about signing up for some of these group's mailing lists, especially the ones that ask for cash through the mail. That way I can troll them by sending them envelopes full of fake Monopoly money and a CD containing nothing but the song "Nazi Punks Fuck Off"

The one thing that always annoys me about the far-right is their counterargument that their “freedom of speech” should not be impeded. I don’t think that anyone is impeding their freedom to speak, they’re just holding them account to what they say.

I feel like this is the wrong way to do it. White supremacists and other Nazis should be given all the stages and audiences so that when the general audience hears them, they would be debunked through better arguments and embarrased through debate. Just like what happened in the 2016 election. The best, most cohesive

But what does Taylor Swift have to say about this? I shall be dissecting the lyrics to her next single. (Joking, I don’t care, the dress was pretty though).

It was totally worth it for the:

so happy this is back! if only to make me sad again!