Total Eclipse of Your Art


I am a survivor of middle school sexual assault, and I can tell you with certainty that this woman is not exaggerating when she says it still seriously impacts her life to this day. There are still times when I smell the soap my rapist used (which thankfully isn’t often) and go momentarily back to that place. The only

60 women from high school have been friends with him for 35 years? I only follow 5 people from high school on Facebook.

“’s a signed statement from hundreds of kids that Sandusky DIDN’T molest. So on average, he’s a decent guy.”

About 6 months ago I contacted the Southern Poverty Law Center via email to ask if the NRA could possibly be considered a hate group per their standards.

No no, you’re doing it wrong. You gotta be like white people...

producers superimposed a Ku Klux Klan hoods on the faces of the tank engines to make a point about ... well, I’m not quite sure yet.

This... is weird. Even by white nonsense standards. Children watch these shows. What’s wrong with children having ‘things’ that they can relate to, and at the same time teaching inclusivity? Why are white people so against this? Do they not want their children mingling with the little ni.... OHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I guess in the original broadcast ITV must’ve removed the episode where Thomas and pals travel down the Great Western Railway to Bristol for the big cross burning...

Imagine how free of problems your life has to be to make a big deal about a weird looking train getting a black friend. You totally don’t look crazy in that clip, Dana. Completely natural response to what is basically the most trivial of news.

This is sort of tangential since im not a person of color but...


People of color do not need to hear a n-word tape or something similar and if that is what some people need in order to definitively pass judgment on Trump or to confirm once and for all that, yep, he’s a racist...well, that says a whole lot more about them than it could ever about Trump.

We had 3.2 last quarter before this, so it’s really, it’s really going good. And we have a lot of things happening on the economic front. I think the military’s doing good. And now, on Niger. So, what happens is we’re decimated — You know, it’s a rough business. They’re rough too, they wanna kill us.

Actually its in her best interest to release them all.. the longer this goes on, the more paranoid orange-aide will be, and order a hit. (either through official channels or unofficial ones), or possibly an aide anticipating the beast’s want, will organize it.

If Omarosa says its Nick Ayers than you know it was him. I just finished her book and she had so many direct quotes of things in there, things that she has since released and its like verbatim. She probably started writing that book on day one in the white house and I bet she still has some connections there to keep

But we knew that, of course. I am officially banging my gavel—bang bang!—and calling an end to Omarosa content unless she gets us the n-word tape.

That’s nice. If she gave us some information that might actually take him out of office, that would be even nicer.

HAHA it’s funny that the President is a dangerous lunatic with his tiny orange fingers on the nuclear triggers!   #TFA  Hahah...we are gonna fucking die.