Total Eclipse of Your Art

Woman, 32. I’ve had guys ask and others not ask and I don’t mind either way. Asking can feel really romantic and sweet and sexy at the right moment- like I was walking with a guy and there was a Christmas tree next to a fountain that we stopped next to and he kinda pulled me around into a hug then sorta breathed into

Ask! I had a date recently where I liked the other person on a friend level but wasn’t feeling romantic chemistry. She asked if she could kiss me and I was able to politely decline her, rather than having to deal with an unwanted kiss.

I’m a woman, 51, and in my youth, it was comsidered weird and dorky to ask. But I am now a huge proponent of enthusiastic consent & everyone knowing where they stand. I’ve been grabbed and kissed unexpectadly. Sometimes it was welcome, sometimes it wasn’t.

I’m 27 and a woman. I’ve been asked a few times if I can be kissed and honestly it’s really sweet, especially when you’re already in a hug and looking into each other’s eyes. More often though they just go for it and it’s fine. I don’t usually ask when I take the lead but now I’m thinking I should, it’d be cute...

They were both generically pretty brunette white girls with VERY VERY similar voices, who wrote their own music and played their own instruments and had a few breakout massive charting hits and were marketed as “real” musical talent as opposed to singer/dancers like Britney etc. Basically this was how I told them

Put a kiosk on the sidewalk outside with ALL the details. Let everyone know who this family is.

This is to show they indeed did not naked their baby, but chose duck blanket instead.

Exactly! All my kids wander ‘round singing Hamilton songs and we live in New Zealand (have no dog in this fight, so to speak). Also I love the pure psycho-ness of ‘You’ll be back’. It’s my favourite song to thrash on high volume on my commute home from a frustrating day at work.

How I feel about men lately.

Maybe the good State of Mississippi could claim eminent domain and preserve this as a monument to the horrific suffering of the Tills and the birth of The Civil Rights Movement?

Fuck this fucker to hell and back. I 100% believe her.

“... many men in the business [w]ant to see Louis come back because deep down inside they know they’ve also done fucked up shit to women,” she said. “[T]hey want to know that it’s not going to hurt them on a permanent basis. Louis is their test case.”

It’s almost as if most violence against women & girls comes from family, or from current or former intimate partners — not from rando undocumented Mexican hog farm workers. Ah, well, no need to kick this story up the FOX food chain, then.

“Me at happy hour pretending to listen to my friends but really thinking about dick.”

I don’t think ringing “20-30 times” is not giving enough time to answer- rather people weren’t answering because it’s the middle of the night and that’s a scary/dangerous time to be opening up the door to strangers

That’s like an 80% fresh horror movie lived in real life. She made it out!!! Oh my god, girl!!!

I don’t say this easily, but if the reporting is true, thank god he’s dead. 

“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”

I’m a programmer, but the company is an investment firm. Every year we have auditors that come in and go over the books. They also spot check our emails for various types of liability. A few months ago, I had a co-worker who was starting her masters and needed a piece of project management software to make sure she

“Our communications — which Reitman now claims constituted sexual harassment — were between two adults, a gay man and a queer woman, who share an Israeli heritage...