
I finally see that the graphic deemed "Call Jack and I" as a "Grammar Felony". Infographics are great, but they don't let you explain grammar much, do they? :)

Of course, I have my own grammar mistake. Good times! :-)

Maybe I'm missing something, or misreading it.

Aren't the specs on the 5c still better than the 4 or 4s, which still do great, even after a couple of years? I would think "future-proofing" isn't strong enough on the 5s to be a winning factor, but then the $100 lower price tag isn't too much of a strong enough point on the 5c. So, if you want an iPhone, get the one

Their hours were rigid, not flexible. And they had a business casual (pants, dress shirts) dress code that just felt too stuffy. I would have taken it except my company matched their offer to keep me, and was more flexible.

Ironically, those who follow the same advice would be the only people reading his blog, and those who need his advice the most, won't.


I love the ideas about making it a fridge, but also, if you have a car coming through the wall, why not make it look like there's a flippin' car coming through the wall? That and/or somehow incorporate a deer head to complete the story.

Heh heh... you have a good point ;-)


Exactly. Thank you.

I usually play sudoku on an app, and it's enough to keep me engaged, but not enough to keep me from drifting off. Same concept, I suppose.

@heime45: No! But I do see a touch of irony in your asking that question while nearly all the comments below mention the irony themselves...

So, I did make the first somewhat sarcastic reference to the typo myself (but it was just for funnies: it is an *ironic* title), so I don't leave myself off this, but: It was just a typo.

@AustinFound: Oh, that would be cool! I have GOT to get one for myself! So, is "Believing You Can Be Smarter" the name of a company, an organization or a new book by David Allen?

Very ironic title.

@Gonzie: Older file cabinets don't lock the other drawers when opening...

