
You seem to be misunderstanding the role of Google. It’s not a genie in a bottle, a dispenser of factually correct answers to anything and everything. It pulls its information off the web itself, guided by peoples’ clicks, and thus is a reflection of said web and peoples’ useage patterns thereof.

Google’s job is to point to sites related to that question. Not to make judgements.

I don’t think it’s asking too much to maybe just have a few real results that at least point out that, yes, the Holocaust fucking happened.

The principle runs through out our core being as citizens of the US. It goes beyond the government but thanks for trying;-)

Freedom of speech - it focuses on the government but the principle runs through out all of our lives.

Yep. It’s not Google’s job to make sure people don’t get upset by what they see when they search for something. Google search is a representation of the world at large, and this stuff exists “out there”, too.

Yes, it is right. Censorship — no matter how well-intentioned — is always wrong. Always. It is always better to fight misinformation and falsehoods with the truth than to suppress it.

That it comes up as the first entry is the result of many things: SEO, number of page views, etc. Google’s algorithms do not discriminate based on content (no matter how despicable it might be), nor should they; they merely provide access to information on the ‘net. It’s up to the consumer to discriminate and make

You misspelled Gizmodo

Still don’t get the whole freedom of speech thing, huh? It only applies to the government, not the private sector.

Eve, you give liberals a bad name.

Google is just supposed to find you the information you are looking for, not verify the accuracy or appropriateness of that information.

I believe I have lost what little respect I had for this site. This whole article is just fucking insane. Absolutely insane. How could such a disgustingly liberal website such as this advocate for a corporate entity to start censoring it’s search results?

When did liberals go to the dark side...seriously. Read the damn constitution for once people. This shit is allowed. It’s up there with flag burning, calling people the N word and selling your ex-husbands harley davidson for 5 dollars to spite his ass after he cheated on you with the babysitter.

The obvious solution:

I’m more than a little shocked that Gizmodo has come down so hard on the side of censorship. There are very good reasons we shouldn’t want private companies deciding on the value of information.

Soooooo you haven’t read any of the articles here over the past...uh 2ish months regarding fake news?

Advocating for censorship is fine of course until they censor something YOU care about. While I obviously don’t agree with the holocaust deniers I certainly dont think they should be censored. It’s treading on very dangerous grounds. I’m actually shocked a liberal blog is actually in favor of this.

Low level jobs pay low level wages? Who would’ve thought that? How about learning a trade and actually working for amazon in a department that has a future like their IT department.

Why people - and by people I mean the midia, the press - isn’t saying the obvious openly (just hinting at it in convoluted ways): Mike Pence is the new President of The United States...? One could say it’s unnecessary, because pretty much everybody has already figured that out. But while not publicly acknowledging it,