I fully expect this community to remain adult and mature with the word “teabag”. Thank you in advance for your restraint.
I fully expect this community to remain adult and mature with the word “teabag”. Thank you in advance for your restraint.
“Fear consumes us, unfortunately. It’s an emotion that can be played on, to the detriment of us,” she says. “It’s an emotion we all fear. It just can’t consume you.”
What’s funny is that this article followed yours:
He also appears like he may be trying to score. Are we still calling it that?
The real hero is that young man carrying a box of shepherd’s pie to safety
I have a warning about befriending Muslims around Ramadan. Last time I did it was with some tenants I had. Late one day, one of them came running to my office in a panic saying there was a leak in his apartment and everything was getting soaked. I raced over there with my giant wrench to turn off the water and found…
Oh I thought you said you rented a room for/to them. My bad.
It was the Jesus of elephants. It died, so that others might live.
We are all, collectively, crushed under that elephant.
I’m only sad that the elephant that killed him died.
Samoas. I would gladly steal 20 grand of Samoas.
Maybe the other Becky can play him?
Hopefully Rosanne has better furniture now. I hated her post-lottery-winning furniture.
They love to talk about things being shoved down their throats or having to be bent over and forced to grab their ankles. Freud would have a field day with the modern day GOP.
My hope is, that when all of this is finally finished, the Trump brand has been so thoroughly diminished that all of them have to stand on the street and beg.
That’s coming, god willing
Fortunately for our democracy, there are checks and balances that keep the President honest. Russian checks and Cayman Island balance sheets.