
Although the code phrase that goes out will be “GET IN THE ZONE!”

Coincidentally, this is also the procedure for when the CEO of AutoZone dies.

Every time I read one of these sweet stories about a cat saving their family I look over at my kitty, and she gives me a look that clearly says I would totally let you die.

I feel all sorts of sad for these closeted kids, of course, but I also love this story. It’s important to be able to look back on heteronormative institutions and see the queer reality beneath the surface. It helps to destroy the myth that things were “better” and “normal” [again, read: heteronormative] in the “good

That. is. HILARIOUS. The perfect illustration of a “I’ll go if it’s important to you but don’t expect me to socialize” boyfriend moment.

Fining men every time they masturbate? That’s one way to raise money for The Wall.

Watch out, though, because the GOP will respond by banning menstruation. They’ll refer to egg cells as “unfertilized children”, and a woman who enters menopause will be charged with mass murder.

If you’re microwaving your dinner it’s prolly not worthy of a #foodporn Instagram pic

This. People really need to let go of that idea. A smartphone and the internet are basically necessities these days. You need these things to apply for jobs, apply for benefits, and to stay in touch with everyone. You definitely need those things to get an education. There are no more pay phones and landlines are

They don’t even care about that. They care about the votes of the people that care about that. If the establishment GOP got to pick, they would allow abortion and maybe even cover it fully. But they need the religious vote, and that is the issue they picked to rope them in. Following pretty much any other tenet of

Yep my kids have used and/or handme down iphone 5s. I have a $50 basically generic android. Let me assure you that what I paid for all of our phones and our cell phone plan would not even touch our medical bills. But I mean really if all I have to pay is the cost of an iphone? Well now you’re talking buddy! Tell me

They really are and have been for some time. Years ago, I didn’t have the cash for an iphone (I literally didn’t have a family to get a plan with in 2011), and I went to a work conference. Because I couch surfed in a friend’s apartment, and didn’t have a cell phone, I missed where the panel head asked us all for

One of my Republican friends, a lobbyist, was dead set against the ACA. I mean they railed against it as if it was going to take a kid away. Due to a number of reason, that person is now using the ACA and views it as a life saver. Otherwise their family would have no health insurance.

$600,000. Six-hundred thousand dollars. That’s how much it cost my uninsured then-future-husband when he was run over by a truck and spent two months in the trauma ICU. The driver that caused the accident was only insured up to $250,000.

There’s a reason this guy was rejected more than once from the secret service.

2017, the year it became clear the republicans care about party over country.

We are basically in agreement, but I do think it’s important for those of us who identify as either Democrats or Democratic-leaning to acknowledge that we majorly f—d up by not protesting GOP obstructionism and their obvious prioritizing of party over country earlier. To me, there’s nothing shocking that the people

Weird. I found it rolled up and shoved into a hole in one of the stall dividers....