George Bernard Shaw had some wise words about this, words I am very happy Trump has never read;
George Bernard Shaw had some wise words about this, words I am very happy Trump has never read;
Just listened to ‘Deja Vu’; can confirm, I’m totally bewitched. In fact, I’m gonna put it on again.
Their entire “love story” is a textbook case of grooming. If her claims of abuse by Mia are true, far from discrediting the idea that he groomed Soon-Yi, it would have made her a more likely target. Abusers will often pose as “saviors” to get troubled children to trust them. He’s scum.
spending time with her when she’s 17. So if it wasn’t parental, then what was it?
My first thought on reading Soon Yi’s account was “Woody’s relationship with you started way earlier than your relationship with him!”. My second thought was, “Ew, that’s called grooming”. Additionally, I’m not saying a bad word about Mia Farrow, or giving an opinion about the story about adoptee work camp, but two…
Why would they lie about how many people died, you orange ding dong? Also; “raising Billions”? You’re The Government -you don’t raise money, you use tax money to solve your constituent’s problems. This isn’t one of your vanity-bankruptcy-property-development-schemes, where you “raise” money by tricking investors, this…
She’ll get the maximum police sentence; three to six months paid vacation.
Indeed it is. My first assumption is that it is ok to do measurements off a picture on a monitor. The second assumption is that Kim’s official height of 171cm is accurate (That is; he’s shorter than that, but he wears lifts that I assume makes him appear the official height).
Yeah, “my opponent opposes apartheid”, to which NYTs answer is “she doesn’t actually, and it’s slimy to suggest she does”. What a world we live in.
You’re right, the weird sitting could very well have health reasons. I guess it just irked me more than i thought myself, seeing him sitting like that next to Putin smirking and pointing at his cock.
I think, in this test, both the technically correct, and the colloquially correct "camel" would make you not senile.
I'm the height he claims (6'3"), and slightly more than the weight he claims. It's baffling that he chooses to lie about something so obviously false. He's at least two inches shorter than he claims, and at least 30 pounds heavier than he claims. I think this is the reason for him toiletsitting on every chair; he…
He’s always spoken in sentence fragments... Or had more commas and ellipses’ than most, but it was usually on the same thought... or continuing the same topic at least, poorly constructed as it may have been.
It's almost as if it's a bad policy to reject police candidates for being too smart.
“That’s a common mistake, I’m actually just very, very Italian,” says Ariana
The Onion used to be satire; now, it's just fiction.
Because hating all the time burns you up from the inside.
While Jeff and I agree on basically no policy, he seems like a pretty decent guy, which is not what republicans really seem to want (see the 2016 Clown College Primary, and subsequent election of Trump). Jeff is also a coward, and cowards don’t typically fight valiantly to the bitter end.
Contractors in Iraq explicitly escaped prosecution in Iraq on account of being part of the US war effort, and then escaped prosecution in the US on account of not being part of the US armed forces.