Sadly, I'm not a woman, so my chances with Kate aren't even theoretical. If you ever get the chance, go for it!
Sadly, I'm not a woman, so my chances with Kate aren't even theoretical. If you ever get the chance, go for it!
They gave them money. That buys their loyalty. Right? No? That’s not how it works? Shocking. I also get the sense the most conservatives believe that most people are conservatives.
This isn’t just a Kesha problem, though. I recently read a review of a (totally unrelated) concert, in which the reviewer described the band/music as “so easy to like, that they’re difficult to love”. I think it might be labels (and in some cases artists) going for maximum profit by not scaring people away.
I have no idea who Mike Pence is, but he *looks* like Ken left Barbie for being too uppity/feminist and then became a Viagra spokesman.
Possibly this needs an Unpopular Opinion Puffin, but as much as they should have asked Bee, I think she was better off with a new show, rather than get squeezed into the Daily Show format (even if they would have adjusted it slightly).
They are absolutely assault rifles. I’ve been in the military about exactly 20 years. We used to have H&K G3 rifles. On one excercise, we fired one mag on full auto just to see why it’s a bad idea. With the new rifles, H&K 416, the instructors are just like, ‘yeah, you will never fire these on full auto, why waste…
Oh, Benicio! I dunno what to say. Except, Mark Ruffalo, I guess you’re in again; your 9/11 truther bullshit doesn’t seem so bad any more.
I live in Trondheim, Norway, and drivers are complete sociopath assholes to cyclists here. A couple of years ago I had a thing with a young lady from Aarhus, Denmark. When I visited her, we biked around the city. Didn't almost get murdered even once. Cars stopped when the law says they have to yield and everything. It…
Well, we’re of course fond of pissing down on the cesspool of navel-gazing corruption that is our capital, from our shining city up here in the middle of the country. But, from what I can gather, criminalizing the purchase of sex, scared the hookers away from where respectable (what Chomsky calls ‘substantial people’,…
I think Will Ferrell should play him in the movie; his picture makes me feel squinty, shouty and incoherent. It would be perfect.
It’s HORRIBLE (that dog is a charmer, too), but totally necessary to put the rest of John Wick in context.
I don’t agree with them, but I think I see their reasoning; the f22 and a10 are one-trick-ponies, compared to the f35 that can do EBBERYTING!
(Francis Witham)
People who look young, live longer.