
Not sure I understand your point. Just because you too well it doesn't make up for the fact that POC get fucked on tips.

You do know how people wait tables is a policy by the resteraunt and not how the individual server decided to do it right?  

What would you say if I told you research showed amount of tips did not correlate strongly with quality of service and instead correlated with things such as customers initial mood entering the resteraunt and the servers race/attractiveness?

I don’t know.  The NHS took less then 4 years to get moving to full steam.  That was a much bigger endevour.

Also, watching OKC get regulated into mediocre for half a decade was entertaining as hell!

I mean like every 3rd song of his in the last 10 years has either been about loving strippers or strippers being in love with him so i think dude is just obsessed.

Yeah honestly i thought that was just a new trend because even the chain places do that here. Must be a regional thing for this part of California.  When I went back to visit my parents one of the bars they ate at had a weird variation of this.  Every salad came with meat, but you could change it out for other meat,

So he should have started with himself then. Or called another cop who immediately cuffed him first.

Eh. pretty much every place by me has meat on salad by default rather then the “Add this” menu option. It’s pretty weird really.

Really goes to show how overinflated those numbers always are.  If you applied that same criteria of evaluation to every pirate website the manga industry is probably worth a trillion dollars if not more.

What he did was creepy, but what you just said is 100% untrue. In Canada an adult can have sex with a 16 year old.

Don’t get me wrong, i agree with you... buuuuuut

See i’d go the opposite route. I’d say loss of privacy doesn’t really effect many people. That is why the younger generations don’t really care about privacy. No one gives a shit if you secretly don’t like Aunt Mary’s potato salad because she doesn’t put mustard in it.

Was she joking though? Seems like a reasonable concern.

Cops don’t need their coffee for free, they are too busy pulling down way to high salaries and keeping “confiscated drug money” that mysteriously never shows up.

Hm, when i try to click recipes there is never a link.

People find her boring.

Holy shit it does look like Rosanne!

So you are comparing "on average" to two things that were impossible.  So nah.  The logically inconsistent people are those that don't want women but do want... Frying pans?

4 things.