
To me it is crazy how the full time unions don’t cover adjuncts.

Is it above Hercules: The Legendary Journeys because of that time he fought the Four Horsemen?

The term Racism has actually only been around for around 100 years and it’s definition has wildly changed in that time period.

I once had a papa johns driver over 2 hours late because he couldn’t find my street.

I think it is less that and more “Backwater hicks are only one subsection of homophobes, the rich and middle class have an equal amount of homophobic beliefs and have more power to enact them on the gay community and people talking about homophobia need to focus on the locus of power

I mean, it is true that the belief that their are higher levels of racism and homophobia in poor backwater hicks is a problematic one.

That’s sad.  Ethiopian food is like... my favorite.  Now i gotta travel 2 hours if i want to have it.  

Man this list more then any other has left out a ton of my favs. I’d probably go David just because of the Andy Cap’s mention though?

Yeah, i don’t know how many times i’ve gotten into arguments with Europeans for them to respond “You don’t understand! Our black people are from Africa!” Or “I hate Chav’s too!” which i assume is equivalent to “if a white guy dressed like that i’d be even more freaked out.”

I’ve been saying this ever since Trumps election.

...sure but it isn’t like next-gen has anything that measures up to that or a handful of other deep space 9 moments.

came here for this. Was not disappointed.

*$1 below minimium wage.

Yeah i never got “How is dish x”.

Again you are conflating rent control with building laws. These aren’t the same thing

So... are we just... like... Ok with the US sabotaging other countries power plants?

This is funny because the same logic that makes hot mustard a hot sauce is what makes a hot dog a sandwich... except you have to strain it a bit more even.

Everyone wants to build in areas with rent control. Built in demand and guratneed profits. Hence why developers want the building laws scrapped.

Um. Did you read that paper... or even the abstract?

I don’t think there actually is any correlation between poverty and hate groups. People just take that as an assumed fact because of classist ideas that poor people are dumber and because white supremacist groups are centered in some of the poorer parts of the country.