

You read that wrong. HE was the law enforcement... the one on the jury. Although based on how it is written I wouldn’t say cop. I would guess 911 operator.

so it’s just like the points in around the horn then.

Why? Reading the article it sounds... fine? Outside the black market concerns.

Because homemade pizza isn't remotely the same.  You need that pizza oven.

except... yes there are? Again if you look at the studies the only downside to rent control is that landlords convert their rental properties to not fit the criteria rent control falls under.

They aren’t universal though. Studies on rent control show that it is great for people who have rent controlled properties but might cause other properties to cost more.

Yeah. In general, despite probably being the best team in every finals they played, this is the first year the warriors DIDN’T have luck on their side with opponents having huge injuries and other issues.

Are you really calling something ethereal and then making a dumb argument about a non-existing “unwritten rule” in the same sentence?

Competitors want to compete. Full stop. Elite atheletes are the most competitive people in the world and they want to face people at their best for the entirety of the game and they

Pretty much anywhere west of Iowa has had god awful pizza in my experience.

I dunno. Not EVERYTHING needs to be a modern realistic retelling. A Pathetic old Shaft would have been a pretty severe betrayer of the characters main idea. It is like complaining that in the Bond movies James Bond isn’t portrayed as a pathetic loser who date rapes people and has shitty lines.

Yeah. Jesus does say thinking a sin is as evil as doing it.

Try actually reading what i wrote.

I never got this argument. To me, as someone who has been both very good and very bad at stuff. I always felt more disrespected when someone let up. They start treating those goals like they scored a funeral or are embarrassed about scoring them?   That is way fucking worse.

It is the item for rich people who want people to think they care about world hunger.

So you had a link for educated... but not politically aware.

Voter turnout was HIGHER in 2016 then 2012. Also higher then 2018.   That said...

What annoys me is when I ask for a box and the server asks me if I enjoyed my meal.

Because most Democrats in power believe politics work exactly like the West Wing and they’re always masterfully outplaying their opponents... and that is all they care about. Executing some elegant 3-d chess moves... damn the people actually involved with any of it.

When the republicans took over the house they repeatedly tried to kill Obama care. Despite Democrats being in the Senate and Obama being president.