
It’s funny we were just talking about the emperor being racist at my work on Friday when someone brought up how disappointed they were that the new trilogy wasn’t based off the Thrawn trilogy.

That is America. Giant problems aren’t solved by the government but instead sympathetic rich people and go fund mes.

Man whoever got held back last year must be super happy.

Yes and no, GOT is in the “grimdark” fantasy genre. People who think her heel turn makes sense (outside trolls) are likely people familiar with the genre and therefore it makes more sense because they saw it as the only inevitable outcome. Was it well written in terms of steady and naturalistic change? No. Was it well

A lot of people aren’t familiar with the grimdark “Everyone is evil” archtype of fantasy storytelling.

That is a really weird comparison.

Pretty much... i mean here is an idea. Replace Rhodey with Okoye.

Well, new ones anyway. You can get your self a pretty sweet deal on non-Tesla used electric cars.

Sure, but there is a lot of clearance between questionable things and drugging your cat so he can be around 10's of thousands of people while the Miz cuts a promo with him. In general i would try to keep my cash grabs limited to merchandise and SMALL appearances.  Being around too many people can stress out a cat and

with as much as they made in licensing and royalties?

I mean honestly, sometimes i felt bad for Grumpy Cat. Like during their WWE appearances. That cat was clearly freaked the fuck out.

Generally speaking, people who order an entree when the rest of the group agrees to tapa style things are cheap jerkass weirdos who end up wanting to pay for their own food and chip in a lesser amount for the various tapas even when they do partake.

I mean. The real thing here is that he made everyone else wait right?

Yeah i’d play Duels and then the Duels of the Planeswalkers game that had Archenemy.

I always took it more as a “get people hooked but not on the full deal” type thing.  

I like how you had massive brain problems but still insisted on using chopsticks for your takeout. I can barely use them with all my brain functioning!

I would guess the argument is that Magic Duels had slightly modified rules.

I mean. Steak and Shake is LUDICROUSLY cheap for it’s quality.

I mean, you don’t have to be competitive or very very good if your willing to play a lot of RDW.(Red Deck wins for those not in the know,  it’s a deck full of small red creatures that go face and removal that can either kill creatures or go face.)

Oh i’m a sweet and sour guy.  Personally i prefer the thai version though.  You don’t fry it and instead pan fry it with some peppers and pineapples.