
Last parallel to this situation. The republicans in 2011-2013. They won the house and voted repeatedly to get rid of the ACA.

I mean. The last parallel to this i would say was when the republicans had control of the house in 2011-2013. They kept voting to repeal the ACA.

Also the fact that those low information voters don’t really matter anymore. They all vote republican all the time now. There is nearly zero middle ground. Almost nobody is a real “swing” vote anymore.

So... Barr and Mchgahn are ignoring subpoena from congress. This means they can be treated like anyone who ignores a subpoena from a court.

Right? The Democrats have the absolute right to throw these people in jail for contempt of congress if they wanted.

well we are living in a world where a second jobs are now considered “side hustle” hobbies... so you know.  Late stage capitalism.

Me. I’ve been pulling for them to just change the name to “Papa’s pizza.”


Only if you are illegally forcing people to work unpaid overtime.

I always think of them as a classic RPG/Anime villain.

WTF how did i not know about these?

Saying they did something illegal or moral is very much an “All Rich people are evil” statement.

Its true.  If anything it would probably force Cersi to come them 

what about the minecraft guy! Like that’s true in a traditional sense, but we are entering a new era where people can amass crazy wealth just by leveraging automation and media.

Are they though? Like Gates and Buffet have done a lot of charitable acts sure, but they are also sitting on a lot of unused capital.

So i don’t think that’s true and that is why we need socialism now more then ever. We need a strong safety net now even more now because someone CAN earn a billion dollars rather then take it.

My money is on Sansa. I expect the earlier three to die. John probably on some dumb Romeo and Juliet shit when Arya or someone else kills Dany.  She wins via lack of anyone else existing anymore.

actual answer he will probably give. “Since he is president I can’t answer that statement because it would be prejudicial since as president he can’t be tried and therefore can’t defend himself.”

Like. I’d be willing to say if you specifically develop a cultivar of a vegetable you could have exclusive rights to that vegetable. HOWEVER you must take all reasonable steps to prevent it’s spread and must be able to prove the people who are growing your product without your permission acted in bad faith.  You need

i mean. That’s not wrong.