
Yeah, for real. My wife and i went out for Valentines day and it took us like a half hour past our reservation to get seated. Which should be expected because our reservation was for 7 and it was on a day literally every reservation is full.  The funny part was the people who showed up afterwords kept walking up to

I mean.

They had the opportunity to say that in this case though. That they didn’t says a lot to the motivation of the Republican judges who went along with the ruling.

Eh. It would be the worst movie picked, but not the worst pick.

Anything except Bohemian Rhapsody should have won over green book... and I say that as someone who doesn’t think bio pics of famous people should really be eligible for best picture, but at least Vice required some level of acting choice on parsing how Cheney really felt.

Yeah your right on that one.  I underestimated the Academies stupidity.  Most voters probably never saw moonlight either even though it was a freaking masterpiece.


They saw it NOT happen you see. This is different then not seeing it happen!

It has surely already happened.

Oh i’m not endorsing the pick. I’d say only Bohemian Rhapsody would have been a worse pick, but part of that leads to the fact that i personally think biopics shouldn’t be nominated for things like best picture and best actor because there is too much documented history of the person and the events so your “choices”

You realize there are big infrastructure costs when it comes to a company coming somewhere right? Current infrastructure spending would have to be diverted to the Amazon project on the hope that it would produce more down the line to help actual people.

Not the important part of the post there.

Haha how did i not notice that.

Makes sense. They were never going to give it to Black Panther. Black Klannsman was “too political” for a lot of hollywood and a lot of people hate Spike. This was like... the worst “A star is born” so giving it to that would be like saying this year was inferior to other movie years... so what’s left... two biopics?

Citation needed.

you are just trying to start an argument about vegan hot dogs, aren’t you?

Eh. The supreme court ruling only ruled out “excessive” fines but didn’t give any guidance on that.

I kid you not, it’s the only song who’s release year i remember “for the 99 and 2000s.”

One charity even they have at a college used live by pissed me off to no end.

Do you actually design and study the results in your position? Because I see some red flags in your arguments here that don’t add up. I’ll focus on one so it doesn’t get into the weeds.