
It’s crazy how people will be Mad at Kaepernick for protesting in a way designed by a soldier specifically to not be disrespectful, or at Democrats who suggest maybe we should do less wars, yet Trump is out here insulting veterans explicitly, attack individual veterans families, breaking promises and hell, even

Story of the Democratic party really. What they have yet to realize is that White “moderates” aren’t playing by those rules anymore. Cause they don’t exist anymore, they all darted right long ago.   

It’s sort of weird, right?  Like, the streamers seem like they are acting like they are better than him.  Which sure, Ninja is super popular, but he’s not THAT popular.  Rick and Morty was like the top rated comedy last year.

Yeah.  CrossFit, Biking too.  Fitness cults are real. 

My parents used to have this argument. Then they just switched to rounding up from the Post-tax amount and tipping from that... because seriously. Who is even calculating 20% of 27.45?

The crazy part too is that right wing nutbags will look at someone being a victim twice and claim it as proof that the shootings are staged

You have an error Republicans lost their seats to Republicans.

The US is just about the only country where you can be leader of a legislative branch blow the elections and keep your job. If this were the UK democratic leadership would have changed 3 times since the second Obama administration 

Well the truth is they could have had Trump at 49% and most the people who said they fucked up still would because a lot of people don’t have a concept of the less likely happening when a result is singular.

I wish I could be that optimistic.  I can't ignore the possibility that the racism, sexism and homophobia is a call to arms to their home grown lunatic terrorist cartel.

This the article i’ve wanted ever since i heard Beto O Rourke was running... and now with the comments section scrubbed I don’t have to worry about 15 comments complaining Splinter is trying to throw the election by claiming Beto isn’t punk enough.

Man. It’s funny too because the more I modded a board the less I read it. It was a video game website too.

Sad because this is only one of two sites I was out of the Greys for, but fair considering the amount of trash trolls that have been showing up.

These stories happen, and it’s fun to trash facebook and all, but it distracts from the real conversation.



Nothing about that statement is confusing. It is just factually incorrect.

I think it was more they were just defeated and surrendered.

How have more people not liked that picture by now?

Holy what the fuck.