
Its a shame that most white women don’t care about other white women

Its a bad plan to only have 2 distribution centers without making any other plans.

The delivery hub for Maryland is Alabama?  Sounds like bad planning.

What is the deal with present and gang rape being in quotes?  Like what is the reasoning for doing that in a headline.

I had a dentist who prescribed me Oxycontin every time i had dental surgery done.

Ehhhhh. I wouldnt be so sure.

“God, I wonder if the “participating in gang rape” thing might sway her.

That is what i mean.  I don’t see who is going to prosecute him in the short term.

I don’t exactly see Trump as anxious to prosecute Assange.

What if he goes to jail but the Republicans refuse to impeach him? Would he get off time for hearing cases? Would they video-teleconference him from jail? Would the seat just stay empty?

Burneko explained it best I believe.

The sad part is, that probably is the best tasting bud light for most of them.

It shows how out of touch the GOP is that

Obama is the last winning democratic candidate. He won basically by increasing youth and minority turnout.

and Masta Killa.   Method Man is trying too i guess?

I’d totally get one of those if i were rich.  Maybe not in a color that looks like it was from a rave acid trip though.

So i read Chartbeat as Chaturbate.

Pretty much this.

I think the opposite is true. You need a pure brute force reaction. Democrats attempts at strategy are why they lose. They set up complicated traps and formations and compromises and get barreled right the fuck through with “LOL white supremely.” Because that gets their voters to vote.

I think the real secret is that in reality anything healthy we do only knocks percentage points off the chance we are going to die, and relatively low percentage points at that.  Outside that it’s luck.