
One time I was in a two lane major street and the two guys in front at the red light noticed each other. They parked their cars in the middle of the street and had a fist fight between the cars. I was in the right lane while other cars were on the other side so I couldn’t get out. Eventually they both decided they

...wait.  he still has his seat?  Jesus.

The problem with the EU councils as always is they don’t actually know how computers work, and think with legislation they can change the entire history of computer design.

Yes. Having it be funded by the Fed is literally the only way to make the CFPB work.

It is kinda crazy thinking how Katrina was the thing that turned people on Bush when you consider all this.

RIP? They still have over 100 locations! Somehow!

I say 70s comic book character but agree to disagree.

I am stating that as a black woman Serena constantly gets called out on things most people don’t for being black and for being a woman. As such, when a judge makes a call that most judges would not make she doesn’t know if it is because he is racist but most of the time it is because he is a racist.

Wait. You think LeBron wore a fake cast for lie a month as an excuse for why he lost a series literally nobody thought he could win?

I don’t even bother to get the meat. The veggie is cheaper by me and i just go to subway when i want to eat a ton of vegetables on bread topped with sweet onion sauce.

see i had the opposite problem. The place by me that was successful was a chain called Port of Subs.

Eh, except racism... And I mean that seriously. A big problem with racism that most white people don’t get is that most racists aren’t hillbillies calling you the N-word from the back of the truck. It’s shit where there is enough wiggle room that makes you wonder. “This was PROBABLY racism, but it is club policy that


So... People don't like him because he is too smart a fighter?   

Backbones? Hell it would need enough Republicans to care!

So like... why not test in like... Salt Lake City. Or Mesa, Arizona or something. are we sure Zephyr Teachout isn’t secretly a bird themed super villian. 

This isn’t like not saying Suzy down the hall is pocketing paperclips.

they wouldn’t... if the other 99% spoke out about said violence.