
Here actually let me fully explain the difference.

No it doesn’t. Again if it did you would notice your traffic being really slow at the begging of the month. They don’t shape all traffic all the time they only shape it after they hit caps.

Except, again. They aren’t using internet shaping. They are throttling heavy users of data. Which means it isn’t demand based and significant throttling doesn’t take place until the middle of the month. So if there was a significant impact on internet usability it would hit EVERYBODY at the start of EVERY MONTH.

A) The city only defaulted because banks who invested in the Cleveland Illuminating company bought the debt and refused to roll it over even though Cleveland was still credit worthy. The goal was to get Cleveland to sell them the public utilities so there would no longer be a baseline price Illuminating company would

1) Internet slowdowns don’t happen because someone uses too much internet. It happens because too many people use internet at the same time.

There is zero reason your bill would need to change however. Bandwidth costs internet companies nothing after the infrastructure is put in.

Eh. Yes and No. The effectiveness of money in politics is actually very mixed. Money IS very important for running against an incumbent, but $200,000 should have been plenty for a primary, had it been spent wisely.

Yeah that was my thought. Like, I don’t think she ever has a chance of winning but that 25% is a good 15% more then I was expecting and my standard voting policy is

~250 years old in the US. It being a “fuck you” sign i believe predates it. Like the original connotation was suggesting to someone they were worthless. the O actually being 0.  In a few different cultures independently.

they got the video right in the article.  It’s not like the NFL is gonna respond.  They are just going to pretend it doesn’t exist and threaten ESPN and the other networks telling them they need to not let that commercial play anymore.

Hahaha, i don’t know why Nike things this is good business but i glad they do, and hope it is good business.

true, true, had to take away my one burst of optimism all week!

fair enough.

It is a corporation so of course there is a profit motivation. What it telling however is that Nike sees more money embracing him rather than fearing boycotts. Coporate adoption of the cause is a sign that the cause is winning.

Wait do they remove your phone from you? Sounds like it is asking for a lawsuit when some busboy steals nudes and posts them online

Despite being a Europeon company it is my belief that most Americans identify Adidas as a “Hispanic” brand.  

I get that, I do, i just wonder if it’s possible to make it a comfortable space for POC who don’t conform to mainstream Black Society norms when attendance increasingly gets dominated by white people. To me the first step to creating a comfortable space for marginalized people is being surrounded by those like you.

I bet it was both. They probably thought they could get like 10K, spend 5-6K of it a cheap used truck for him then pocket the rest claiming it cost 10K.

Yeah. It’s a shame they couldn’t have gotten to it earlier. It being some kind of weird last stage big reveal is just getting problematic.

I didn’t read it as having anything to do with a backlash at all.