
Oh yeah for sure. Cutting them out is the right thing to do for sure. Plenty of reasons for people to selfishly not do that however unfortunately... which is all the more reason those people should catch some shit!

Yeah. Facial recognition software is meant to lean towards a bad match rather than miss a good match. You will be mad if your face won’t open your phone but it’s unlikely someone who looks a lot like you is going to try and open your phone.  There are so many variables I would be surprised if it was ever remotely

Exactly. What they won’t tell you is that the median driver makes LESS than an Uber driver because they have to lease, pay for gas, wear and tear...

It is pretty simple really, you just believe him despite the evidence, or better yet, just ignore it.

That is it. I’ve had it with Saudi Arabia  We have no choice.  We need to invade Iraq.

Yes? I mean, outside reporters going to his family and friends to ask about him, and the police officer having the same name... people tend to gossip about their friends.

because the punishment is about appropriate for the people who still associate with him and WELLLLLL below what he should suffer?

My money is on Beeeeezoooooooossssss.

The real question is... why the hell don’t WE have a sovereign wealth fund.

Lets be honest.  He doesn’t like the criticism.  That is why.  Private he hopes there will be less “mean” articles.

I can almost appreciate “Hey There Delilah because it’s the exact kind of song some dumb highschool asshole would write in that situation. 

Like this is terrible... buuuuuut....

Hey.  Use Vivino.  That way it organizes the wines and you can put what you like about then.  Also it will suggest wines based on what you like.

Yeah... on the one hand it may be plagiarism. On the other hand it could just be that game reviewing is full of hacks.

so i’m guessing you were like me then.  We got Sonic commercials for a good 6+ years before there was one within an hour of me.

Yeah, i mean, that kind of upselling at a restaurant i don’t even think registers with most people. maybe the Democrats learned... one thing from 2016?

This is going to come off wrong, but this is a real piece of journalism here, good work!

one of the key things here i think is “Household”.

As a native of Ohio I agree. Except replace “big-city LIBRUL ELITISTS” with “Black people.”