
BBQ Pulled Pork and Coleslaw.

Like, i’d be all about this move. Except it’d make Bill Simmons happy. And Simmons would immediately change his mind and say Lebron was the GOAT.

As long as Kevin Durant’s freakish arms are, can’t he execute this maneuver himself?

Yeah. Trump isn’t the guy to be doing this, but somebody should have been doing this earlier. If they wren’t going to go all Iraq, except actual weapons of Mass Destruction back under say... bush. They should have had talks.

I’m originally from Akron/Cleveland too, and I get what he means. Cities built on the west coast after cars became a huge thing often feel more like giant suburbs than cities.

Eh, i bet there are a TON of super shitty racist white NFL players who are shittier teammates you hear nothing about because they are white.

Everyone here has dumb reasons. Except me. You watch many warriors games? They have more talent than any team ever and should be playing the prettiest basketball man has ever seen.

Yeah man, LeBron’s best finals team is worse than Jordans worst in my opinion.

No, his domestic abuse accusations are public record.

Im not sure what I’ve made up considering those are all words you’ve said? Either way, the point stands. Fandom is about devotion and knowledge not money.

Yeah, even if you lose the fight dudes full name goes public after you get arrested and he’s fucked.

The Cavs loss didn’t make me upset at all. Them losing was expected. The only upsetting thing about the series was the officiating at the end of game 1.

Oprah is just great.

It’s weird how bill Murray just avoida the meetoo movement stuff. I’d lay low if I were him but I guess he is Teflon.

Who is throwing a fit? Only person mad here is you.

They could get rid of Salary caps. I mean they won’t, but it would work.

Dan Gilbert is too much of a man baby to take Kyrie back. I think he would rather bottom out get out of the luxuary, and probably never spend money on the team again. Or at least wait until it was a “sure thing”.

If you aren’t watching a closeout game in public somewhere. A wacth party, a big screen on a building down town, hell in a fucking br i the oher two options dont exist... you are doing it wrong. Being in an atmosphere with strangers who share the same fandom, being able to go out in the streets and celebrate with a

Yeah plus the atmosphere is just the best. Usually the procedes go to charity though. It’s just the second hand watch party tickets that get crazy expensive.

Bandwagoners don’t burn jerseys. They just stop caring. Bandwagoners buy seats and push out real fans then when a team loses its stars just pretends they don’t exist.