Torqueratio Sanz

Exactly what kind of comment do you expect from Samer here? The article speaks for itself and Samer, thankfully, is bringing it wider attention.

we got a jaden smith tweeter over here

I would have sued. That’s crazy, and just incompetent on their behalf. Who confuses a C3 with a Prelude?

Someone clearly misunderstood this:

I once bought a Volkswagen. Everything broke.

And then the Mexicans took their jobs. We really need a wall.

If this is any consolation, taxi drives also take out criminals. The Rapist / Murderer, in my home town was recognized by a taxi driver. She handled it real cool, and gave dispatch a coded message, so they Police would pull her over for a “ticket”. That “ticket” was sending Mr. Rapist to Jackson Maximum Security for

Biggest subway failure since Jared.

Saying “Highlight of the NFL offseason” is like saying “Refreshing moment of candor from Charles Krauthammer.”