She is 85 years old with a net worth around 100 million dollars. How power hungry do you have to be to keep running and “working”?
She is 85 years old with a net worth around 100 million dollars. How power hungry do you have to be to keep running and “working”?
Really, Feinstein just seemed like someone who couldn’t be bothered to care, treating these constituents like customers who hadn’t bought anything but were asking to use the bathroom. It was a bad way to interact with people, particularly young people and really doesn’t warrant a defense.
That auto gyro from Prussia to Siam was still running, you lazy fuck.
Call me ageist if you must, but: Feinstein is 85 years old. She’s literally going to be dead within the next twelve years. Of course she doesn’t give a shit about climate change.
Speaking of Williams Sonoma, for some reason they keep advertising a butt plug on my Facebook feed
I understand that Harden is upset, but before making comments like these after games he should just take a step back and then take a step back and think.
He was initially charged with reckless driving but after review it was determined the guy wasn’t set and the call was reversed.
For what it’s worth (little), the books did also have multiple extremely unsubtle hints that Nymeria was gathering her wolf army unto her, so this all clicks.
Squeeky, squeek squeekum.
I was all ready to mock these shoes and then you had to throw in there how they are actually a big help to folks with physical limitations like the kid with cerebral palsy and now I feel bad and stupid and it’s all your fault Dan McQuade.
Kronk is one of the best movie characters of all time and anyone that disagrees can go to hell.
Why TF won’t anyone stand up to this bloviating sputtering shitbag? Guaranteed he’d back down like most bullies when actually confronted. WTF is wrong with these people?
Do Americans realise how weird the rest of the world finds it, when the US makes kids swear a pledge of allegiance, and all of the flag fetishising?
This is why I stay out of the spotlight. No reason to draw attention to my crimes.
“It’s difficult to have laws forced upon you,” said many of the folks he’s arrested. Maybe he should just let them go in the future.
Something that continues to surprise me (and it really shouldn’t, but it does) is just how little information some people have on what abortifacient procedures are, how they work, and under which conditions different types of procedures are performed.
The easy—and dishonest—canard of “abortion kills a baby” is trotted…
Glad to see Germany has its own version of Zack Hemple
We never accept and they were accepting and that is unacceptable.
Fucking hypocrite getting plenty of support from the big banks, I see.