
Silent Violent Haze is also the name of the new Ben and Jerry’s flavor specifically marketed at the lactose intolerant.

The pinnacle of this week’s Winston experience happened in garbage time, when the Bucs were still diligently playing with full effort despite being down multiple scores. Tampa Bay had gotten the ball back down 11 with with less than three minutes left in the game.

Intercessions are absolutely a key to this matchup. Whoever wins the turnover battle, wins the game.

on the one hand: awful, late-capitalist hellscape.

I wish your shithead executives would let you and your readers publicly mourn Splinter. It is missed.

My favorite thing about this is that when Ortiz says “They might think it’s cheating” it very much sounds like he’s saying “They might think it’s shitty.”

His blood isn’t being evenly distributed throughout his body. Hypocrite.

Right but the real story is the shit photoshopping of Lesnar’s neck...what the hell, man?

I do want to take a moment to pause from all the battles that go on here at Splinter on a daily basis to say seeing that vile and irredeemable piece of human garbage actually starting to worry and maybe, just maybe, feel the walls closing him on for the first time in his entire miserable existence, has been like

Agreed. What JT did was stupid and racist and rich white boy shit and it’s appalling. It was also almost 20 years ago. The CONS have candidates that bitch and moan about immigrants, the gays, abortion and they are doing that this week. 

Canadian liberal here, I understand why blackface is racist and the history behind it, but I also don’t give a fuck about what somebody did 18 years ago. He has apologized, taken responsibility and owed up to it. What else do you want him to do, because if there is nothing more he can do, you would be implying that he

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

Corona, like Heineken, isn’t really cheap beer.

And if you want to stay that way, remember to vote so Andrew Scheer doesn’t win this October.

Anything from the "tough chewers" page at

Anything from the "tough chewers" page at

He'll be one of the few bullpen coaches anybody remembers.

This is how I imagine their conversation goes.

extremely high cost of living thanks to the socialist elite that live in gated communities (with private security)

How the fuck am I not on this list