
I think Bear person is potentially MD. No engagement with anyone who disagrees and instant dismissal. That would be ironic.

I think Bear woman is a dude and possibly MD. No interacting, just dismissing. Seem familiar? I’m quitting Jez tonight so Katie bar the door, all my conspiracy theories are running amok!

Heeeey, I’m the other commenter from that thread who Bear person keeps dismissing when I tell him I’m not one person with a million burners created just to poop on poor Moral Dictator. I think Bear is a dude by the way. A dude here to stir shit like you know who (hint: MD)

Not sure if you’re being serious but my real life Jez friend is convinced MD and his allegedly female supporters are just a bunch of reddit turds tryng to drive women off this site. She says his obtuse comments and agreeable meandering defense when criticized is just a way to divert women from discussing the issues on

Still single kvetcher with one burner.

I’m not talking about how women sometimes mistreat each other here, that’s human nature and will happen. I’m talking about how a 20 something dude muscles in on almost every post on a feminist website. It’s rude and he doesn’t care, read his gaslighting b.s. responses in this thread. This is my last Jez night, I’m

Pretty sure you just got mansplained.

Bc they’re dudes. My Jez real life pal thinks it’s all a diabolical dark web coordinated cloak attack to rid Jez of women. She’s could be right.

This was well done and well thought out but unfortunately not going to affect anything. MD has successfully painted himself as a victim of lady bullies and will continue his long winded disingenuous “I don’t understand why you don’t like me” b.s until we all go. He is a 20 something dude who constantly posts his 20

If this is a double comment my apologies. I think we should start an “in memorium” like the Oscars. I’ll start with Cheerful Exgirlfriend who was my own personal Jesus/Oprah.

I know. I’m having a minor spaz bc Moral Dictator or whatever just mentioned he’s in his early 20s on another thread. WTF some 20 ish dude thinks it’s okay to manspread all over a feminist website?! Goddamn fucking tone deaf and goddamn RUDE.

He just said in another thread he’s in his early 20s. WTF.

Holy wow, MD just had some humblebrag saying he got turned down for a job because “he’s too old” and then he mentioned he’s in his EARLY 20s. What the ever loving fuck. Some dude in his early 20s has basically taken over Jez to share his wisdom. How did we get here.

I can but the conference starts at 7a so my cranky ass will need to get there by 5:30a to make sure all the b.s. is good to go. Ugh. I’m glad to have a job but not particularly a morning person.

Yep I agree. It’s not his comments it’s his constant leg lifting to mark all over jez.

I could write a lot in response to this, really pour it on, but I’ll keep it short and accurate by saying you are a goddamn motherfucking super hero. Not just to Catalina (what a doll!) but to all of us.

Hear this in tslackss urgent robot voice: DISCONNECT! DISCONNECT! Seriously you owe her nothing and you will not regret it. Even a brutal disconnect will not cause her a minute of concern. She’ll just move on to some other sucker. I say that as a former guilt ridden sucker.

Not sure but I think they are both men.

I feel you. Been there. Regular hours with benefits is a new world where that world is not sitting squarely on your shoulders. Watching ER too but it’s the one where Carter and Pratt are in Darfur. That show is awesome.

I find that people like that who keep popping back up in my life and there are a couple, are those who had a habit of dumping all their shit on me without necessarily returning the favor (I’m a private person so they enjoyed dominating the dynamic). When they wore me out and I ended it, which I have gotten