That one cop seems like he needs Lunch Control.
That one cop seems like he needs Lunch Control.
This entire article was only written because he failed to recuse himself from the Trump show when progressive liberals wanted him to.
Great Catch but I can only imagine Drew barely pulled his head out of the oven to see it
Half a millioon doollars?
You mean because it’s short and fueled by science fiction?
I think you could get tetanus from the fucking windshield...
That’s like saying the existence of bars prevents anyone from drinking at home. as an addict myself I can tell you if I could do my drugs now or wait until I had driven someplace I’d choose to do it now everytime.
Assuming the drugs were also free.
Yeah, but if my daughter was doing drugs at a house where an adult is present I might take a hammer to him. (And I like drugs)
“Happy Chaka Khan, we made you some authentic Jew pancakes because we weren’t sure whether fondue is kosher.”
There’s a reason the average life expectancy on the street is in the 40s.
I think her overalls are really more oversomes.
Let he who has never practiced The Stranger cast the first stroke.
Silly bunt
Yeah but on the flip side, this is Jalopnik. Any time there are politics involved, rights of opinion/speech only apply to 1 side of the argument. Everyone else is racist / bigot / supremacist / bad because they share the other opinion.
The First Amendment guarantees the right to peaceably assemble for redress of grievances, but not employment by a NASCAR team. Your lawsuit will be about the minutia of contract or labor law, not heroic constitutional principles.
Threw off the English, established our Republic, brought Democracy to modern civilization, etc.
People who watch Netflix all day. Do these people know that, like, there’s a whole world that exists not on their couch?