Barcelona-era Ronaldo is the best. Rediculoua combination of speed, strength and control.
Barcelona-era Ronaldo is the best. Rediculoua combination of speed, strength and control.
Fat shaming the dude, how original and hypocritical of Gawker Media.
I don’t get the McKinnon worship. She basically does variations on the same character. And she cannot do foreign accents very well. Last night she used a pseudo-Italia accent while depicting a Spanish woman.
It took me a lot less than 6 hours to realize Tidal sucks.
The big picture here is that there’s no correct usage for the phrase at all, because if you can control it, THEN IT’S NOT FUCKING DESTINY.
I stand corrected
Looking forward to tommorow’s Marca headline: “€ 100 Million Bust Bale Misses Two Wide Open Shots, Looks Funny”(but, um, in Spanish)
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that term.
I was an assistant/goalie coach for a youth soccer club and we had this goalie who just kind of got lost in thought and wandered around the field if the ball wasn't on his side of play for 2-3 minutes. I would work with him on his concentration constantly but this kid just couldn't help himself once he saw that shiny…
This is twice in the last week that Deadspin decided to take a shot at the appearance of someone on PTI or OTH. I don't know if this is an attempt to steal some of the girls locker room crowd from Jezebel, but it's more than a little disappointing. Many of the staff members at both shows are huge DS fans, and both…
I married one and made two more. I win.
Only a Ginger can call another Ginger a Ginger!
It usually involves a year-long investigation by the USADA.
"Just copulated with the lightly hirsute Edelman. Earlier at the bacchanalia, he displayed his abdominal brawn to the hoi polloi. Quelle horreur! (of course I mean that ironically) "
I'm going to have to agree to NOT disagree on this one.
Aaaaand I just realized that Fowler and Davis aren't the same guy.
In theory, you're right, but in this case the problem is twofold (well, almost threefold, but the third point is actually a positive).