
So much wrong here. A shocking amount, really.

Every single car does this automatically. It’s how defroster settings work.

Why not nukes? How about, well, nukes? I have a hard time justifying building something that we don’t know what to do once its useful life is over, and leave that problem to the next 1,000 generations ot solve, but I guess it’s just me.

It’s crazy that the same people who want cheap electric vehicles are often the ones pushing for more safety regulation in the US car market.  You can’t have both.

Now playing

It’s unclear how much of this show will be for kids, versus the former kids who grew up with the original series.

It sounds like the problem is with your state.

Wait, you were so proud of this dumb take that you needed to copy and paste it elsewhere in the thread?


Ah a kindred spirit! It’s so hard to have these discussions with Sonic fans, because they’ll immediately chew you out for any criticism or slight of their flawless franchise. Sometimes I feel like I’m being gaslit lol. While I think the slo-mo effect,a slick dodge and counter system and other additions you mentioned

I know the nostalgia is strong for early 2D Sonic and that’s what fans hold on to, but I just never felt Sonic was a top-tier franchise even in its heyday. The promise of Sonic has always been exhilarating speed: rolling through loops and zooming down corridors at Mach 5. But, the series biggest flaw was that the

I love Galaxy 1 more, mainly because Bowser actually was portrayed as a dangerous brute, there was an actual story like the Paper Mario series, and the final boss battle was more interesting than in the second once(and I liked the hub). It was pretty different for a change. But Galaxy 2's level design is peak

You’re not alone. SMG1 had a better hub, and is probably Nintendo’s best ever attempt at adding story to a Mario game. Plus the levels are better designed—there’s more of an effort to hide multiple stars in each level (a la Mario 64), instead of SMG2 just throwing every possible idea at the wall.

I liked 1 better. The overworld was better & it was such a new experience. 2 was just more of a great game. 

While I do prefer the first, Galaxy 2 is still an exceptional game, and I’m sad it’s not part of the 3D collection.

I think Galaxy 2 is a good game—perhaps even great. But I also feel like I’m one of the only people out there who unequivocally prefers Galaxy 1 over 2.  

Is Professor Utonium’s first name Martha?

I switched to Edge a few weeks ago after getting tired of Chrome sucking up huge amounts of memory and due to Google’s privacy concerns. It’s been a much better experience so far, even quickly imported my extensions and bookmarks so the transition was quick and painless.

It’s probably important to note that Sony owns the rights to Spider-Man in video games. In other words, it is more likely that in this case Crystal Dynamics didn’t pay Sony (enough) to put Spider-Man on the other systems, rather than Sony paying money for exclusivity.

You’d be surprised, I hauled a 6' poured concrete step block in mine, bloody thing must have weighed 300 pounds.

I am not entirely sure how to even BE disappointed in a television show that hasn't premiered yet, but you do you!