
Does this count as one of those end-of-writing-career coulmnettes that Tony Kornheiser wrote?

*looks at his A/R*

I once dated a woman who was 6'4". I’d attempt to help her reach the high shelf of my cabinets in my kitchen. “Can I help? Oh, right, if you can’t reach it, I can’t reach it.”

Now is the time to try to apply for MILF GOOD again, see if it slips by . . .

That’s because Magary is total weak sauce.

Johnny Carson?  Didn’t everyone want to work for him?

Just tax everyone and everything.  100% taxes on everything.

Josh Sargent.

We’re in New York, about 40 miles north of NYC. So there’s snow, but not a ton (in my few years living here - my wife talks about deep winter, but I used to live in Cleveland, so nothing has hit like what I used to see).  We’re on a hill, so I’d like something to grip going up the hill.

My wife has a Ford CMax plug-in.  What do you think we should do for winter tires?

Tim was a rude fuck.  He should have just asked.

+1 “All Good Things...”

What was the best?

No obligation to change.

On a recent flight, my wife and I somehow had seats in a different row (I thought I got them next to each other). The person next to me was in the window seat and alone. I asked him if he’d switch with my wife, keeping him in a window seat, just one row up. He accepted. I thanked him greatly. My wife thanked him

I love the guy. I saw him in Paris score a hat trick. But that was about 4 years ago. He’s not consistently that good anymore (and even in Paris, that hat trick came against Nice). But when he is that good, your eyes are dazzled and impressed. But he has his fair share of games in which he’s bored, he doesn’t run up


They’re usually fully baked