torched - White Gold Wielder

Yeah that's the root of the whole problem, civil unions. As soon as the government starts recognizing marriage as a civil ceremony or a "legally binding" agreement, as you put it, you start with the inequality. It is in fact against the law of the land for the government to do this. Where you might ask? Its the first

This whole issue about Gays wanting to get married is only recent since the last century. The fact of this entire matter is if it weren't for the tax code of the USA most gays would not want to get married. Since marriage changed from being a religious ceremony to a civil ceremony all the gays became left out thereby

Well I was just thinking ddr 3 for price reasons. XDR2 is even faster than the XDR in terms of bandwidth. But system memory speed is not a bottleneck for the PS3. Some of the fastest DDR3 comes very close to XDR in terms of bandwidth and the lower price of DDR3 would allow them to slap a boatload of memory in there.

In order for Sony to maintain backwards compatibility, they should look into an improved cell processor instead of changing the architecture. An ideal move would be to increase the spe count in the cell chip to 16 and add an additional ppe core. They should dump the rambus xdr memory for cheaper DDR3 with quadruple

Your argument doesn't make logical sense. If this is pirating, then a cop that has seized marijuana from a dealer should be charged with possession. We have to abide by the fact that we have elected a government that has authority over us to create and enforce laws. If you don't like that fact, join the liberty

He was just elected 2010. He doesn't have to worry about re-election until 2016. I doubt that aspect had a measurable impact.

Why is that a back handed swipe? Its truth. When you talk about something like Brown vs Board of education, history has played out the result that Brown wanted to have an integrated school system. This was not the only point of the argument. They fought for equal funding for their own schools. So rather than allow

It's true. This man not only plagiarized his doctoral dissertation, even some parts of his most famous speeches were plagiarized. Did he have an effect on the outcome of the nation? Yes 100%. Its too bad though his "dream" mostly remains unfulfilled. We still judge people by the color of their skin. We have legislated

I'm sure you didn't try it.

My wife of 10 years is not afraid to speak her mind ;) its getting her to keep quiet that is hard. Thank you for your opinion but both she and I are impressed with the experience.

Bought the 10.1" for my wife for xmas. It is a delight to use. I've never really used any other tab other than store demos so I don't have much to compare it to. I do like that there is no motoblur like on my droid x. Only a few pre-installed vzw apps but nothin "moto" to muck it up. The lag is not perceptible to my

Is it just me, cause I just realized I am too old and make too much money to be doing this kinda punch.

I used to be an arrow, then I took an adventurer to the head.

tell that to the guy who has to change the light bulb on the top of the spire!

Morphine for those who want to remove themselves from the gene pool? Why not?

Our country was founded on the principals of restricting a strong national government with negative liberties i.e. the congress shall make no law regarding... This is a prime example of nanny state government not so much "big" government, which more is a statement of the quantity of dollars being taken from the common

We have a server co-located at the Telx Miami facility. Looks just like that one. Though they aren't in the biggest telecommunications hub down here. That honor would go to the NAP of the Americas, which is owned by terramark(Verizon).

TDP =/= Power consumption, it merely states how much thermal power(heat) must be dissipated by the cooling system to keep the chip below the rated thermal junction temperature. That being said, you wouldn't want a chip with a high TDP sitting atop the family jewels(or sitting next to volatile lithium)

*cringe* its x86-64 not x64. Or you can call it AMD64 but never x64. Unless we are talking about the brand name used on windows xp 64-bit edition *shudder*.

Carbon fiber blocks the cell signal so i'd say they made the right call avoiding that.