torched - White Gold Wielder

Here's a time lapse slideshow of the glines canyon dam notching [] It along with the Elwha Dam is the largest dam deconstruction project going on right now.

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don't txt and walk, you look like a douche.

Now playing

I'll see your Nirvana and raise you an Alice in Chains

In all aspects I believe you are correct. Amazing that you grew up after all this and you still figured out that Alice in Chains was better than Nirvana. I'd say in most respects Layne is better than Kurt too. If you like Layne, check out Mad Season, a side project he was involved in.

I use filezilla all the time however I was just recently introduced to SmartFTP. Yes it is a paid app but it has features that I didn't know I would need until we recently set up our own collocated server. The two features I found invaluable was the scheduling and speed limiting. Both are not available as far as I

I've been in soul form waiting for dark souls for so long.

yo dawg i heard you like hands

Some people are not meant for creativity. Some are. It's easy to spot the ones that aren't because they are rolling the human heart through glitter.

has nothing to do with content similarity... has everything to do with search engine results. Srsly do a goog search on scrolls and you will see why this is a lawsuit. Here I'll do it for you: []

mind fuck innit

"How can I express my disdain for my hypothalamus while still staying alive?"

"The circle and X represent 'yes' or 'no' decision-making and I made them red and blue respectively. People thought those colors were mixed up, and I had to reinforce to management that that's what I wanted."

imagine what the sky looked like from our planet 3.8 billion year ago :O

that's like blaming Microsoft for the shitty video card in your windows box.

exactly! :)

I think you missed my point. To say that the hardware in Wii-U has DirectX 10.1 support means nothing for the actual programming. That will be done in OpenGL. They are mentioning DirectX because of the specs required to support the different versions give a good representation of what type of features are found inside

Sibling1: I want the controller

DirectX is an API that is free to use, free to distribute. To say a hardware device is DirectX compliant means all the features required by the API are found in the hardware(In this case it would be AMD/ATi's hardware which has had DirectX support since the 3D Rage series of cards in 1996)