Jimmy Johnson's Anything with a Camera (tm)
Jimmy Johnson's Anything with a Camera (tm)
GOOD. When I first saw the commercial my first thought was of all the poor Mayday reps that were going to get bombarded with penises.
Well, there was also one of the UIA's major hub offices out there. When the layoffs came, it put a lot of people out. They may have gone with someone who lived closer. But I don't think that is it at all. And I hate companies that do that.
I hear that as, we should be paying you more for those valuable skills but won't...
Bouncer looking at my friends fake ID back in the day when we lived in NC: "what's your address?"
I agree with this. The only time I'm bummed by something like that is when the disparity between pay advantages and grinding advantages are ridiculous. Different genre, but when Forza 5 launched I remember that being a big source of controversy.
Blackened brussels sprouts are delicious, I do them with Trader Joe's everyday seasoning and blacken them in bacon grease. They taste incredible.
I like simmering them in beer.It's one of the few instances I've found where the beer quality actually matters; I use nice pale ale (I think I got the idea/recipe from a Sierra Nevada promotion or publicity email or something).
That's a good idea. I personally would never buy these things because I think they are a sign of the impending doom of western civilization and I prefer western civilization so I don't like having things around that remind me of it's impending doom, but if I did buy these things, that would be the thing to do with…
I salute your passion and persistence.
^^^ light to moderate treason
He also forgot the steak, onions and Italian long roll. This clown knows nothing about grilled cheese.
Yes they work fantastically. I have one just for salt in the winter.
I don't use a hand-held but I use a drop spreader to spread salt around my (huge) driveway. My garage is down an incline to the basement level (street level is the first floor of the house) with a turn-around in back. All told I have about 3500 square feet to cover. Works a treat. Just rinse it out after and…
Need this one
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