
True, many orgs give back only a fraction of what they take in, but at the same time would that small fraction have been given in the first place if there were not some material good to purchase with an edgy phrase on it?

Welcome to the world of slacktivisim, where people won't help unless there is something in return be it a bracelet, t-shirt, or totebag.

Pretty much any foundation out there has questionable numbers, to the outsider seeing any portion above material costs going to anything other than research is questionable, but the reality is that there are huge expenses required to get donations flowing in. They come in the form of full time staff that need to be

The only reason I can't see myself (or others) using that group payment site is that it charges a service fee. I understand why they charge the fee, but since it directly charges everyone it becomes an avoidable expense.

How are they not saving (well anymore than any other charity that sells branded merch) women? Objectifying... probably. But at the same time they are trying to cast a net around people who may not have been inclined to donate to existing groups in the first place. So, given the choice, would you rather risk a higher

Gotcha, I wasn't sure if you were aware of the status of the group and thought it was something the students had made up.

I'm sure that is why the board signed off on them going further as well. I also imagine they went straight for sexually charged topics rather than things like racially charged ones as well.

If the courts had ruled the other way (no boobies) I could see this having an appeal. But I am kind of surprised that the district's lawyers would squander taxpayer funds to appeal a ruling for an incident that involves students who are likely no longer even at that school.

That is the message, the boobies bracelets are an actual charity here in So Cal and they used the more provocative messaging to get people to buy more swag, which in turn means more funds.

Considering the age range that the creepy van men are looking for, knowing that those cans contain sugar and horse-piss usually means you're out of their ideal age range.

I would imagine men who drive around in windowless vans use those to help calm their riders down before they get to the naked-puzzle basement.

Yes, and not only is it a thing but also a family of drinks.

I remember in the 90's, there used to be a tip for super cheap cruises. It was to book a room on a cargo ship/freighter. You would have a cabin above deck, 3 meals a day, etc. It is nothing like a typical cruise, but I suppose if a hermit wanted to go on a trip where they would encounter the minimal number of people

If I am crushing these fuckers into powder, I damn well better be about ready to freebase them.

I would imagine the racial diversity there made it difficult for him to find a shot.

I would imagine the lines at most glory holes would also increase exponentially.

Woah woah woah, you watch your fucking mouth, this is a family site.

That' s a shame, unless you have a 360, then you can just buy it on XBL (I think) or pick up a copy cheap since it is backwards compatible.

Well if he wanted to really burn someone I guess he could say said target enjoys his sorbet floated in a glass of Bud Lite lime...

If I recall, it had some nasty glitches in the Navajo section that would crash the game, esp. during the boss battle. If you could avoid the triggers for it, that would allow you to continue.