
It's kind of like the opposite of the Real Racing 3 Reviews where the reviewers give high praise for look, gameplay, etc. and then take massive deductions for the MTX part, knocking it from a 10/10 to a 3/10.

If I recall, they cut out the Who, a few other performances (if you're only asking about the closing). They also dramatically shortened the extinguishing ceremony. What really pissed Costas off was that the Who was cut so NBC could show this series (which was cancelled and even started behind the 8 ball over racial

I still wonder how Daft Punk felt about their performance of that song as well as the usage of "The Game Has Changed" (the song from Tron and the BMW ads) in the opening ceremony? Also if the choir paid to use their music.

It has huge psych potential for a bunch of disorders, and the big perk is that the hardware itself will be inexpensive. The OR will also have little trouble selling to core gamers who have the money, but casual gamers will be too ambivalent to draw in by the websites alone.

It isn't even that, it is that VR has no money making potential for them. Since the game developers/studios have to devote engineering time to the 3D system (since none of them appear to just automatically convert the games into the new format) that means someone has to pay for that eng and QA time. On top of that

Ah, I never thought about residue, great way to kill your neighbor's lawn too.

Just pepper in some "Fucks" and "God-damned" as well as a fight with some realitive and how you have failed as a parent/son/spouse/PTA chairman/etc. and you're set.

Hmmm, would one of those handheld fertilizer spreaders work? I don't live in a place that gets cold so I have no concept of what the salt's size/texture is, but I would imagine if you have a lawn you have one of these lying about.

One of the problems I have had with feedback systems is that a common practice is to toss out everyone that doesn't give it 9/10 on user reviews (this is from the survey giver) because the prevailing logic is that 3-8 scores are too "meh" and ambivalent in the ratings, they may lean either way but nothing of value can

Throw in a pair of sham-wows and we will talk.

And long walks on the beach, and fine dining!

Can I get a can of spray on hair, a pocket fisherman, and a veg-o-matic? Will you take off one payment as well?

Worse, Voracious Venezuelan Velociraptos Vocalizing Via Vuvuzelas.

That is likely going to be why the system will be tossed out shortly after being used.

Just like with many things, straight from the source.

This is actually not their first purchase down here, they bought some other company (who's name escapes me) that also wasn't a well known studio. They can do some pretty good stuff with them, but for the most part it is still going to be all third party.

They make money, a lot of it, in a fashion similar to Wal Mart (volume sales), but they also spend more on internal stuff like buying companies rather than salaries for all levels (which is why their pay scale sucks and they charge employees for parking). They are kind of like a non-failing version of HP.

I wonder if it is a difficult thing to train for outside of a major sporting event or (the other popular human trafficking spot) political conventions? If the industry has a high turnover rate, training would need to constantly be done. Unlike with teachers and medical professionals, where they may more stable in

Oh I had one of those bosses, but the almost hurtful thing was that because I didn't report to him and he didn't care about my dept. (which was odd since he was the CEO), he had my desk in a blind spot so I really was ignored by him.

Do you have Brazilian?