
He's usually in New York...

I feel Bruce Lee's needed to end with him being crushed by a bottle of Bayer or something.

Considering I saw a judge lose his shit at a juror for not wearing business casual (this was during jury selection) to his courtroom, nothing surprises me.

Cheaper, yes, developer support? Probably not so much. I have a sinking suspicion this will be similar to the 3d product Nvidia created several years back where it worked (though theirs had more hurdles to entry) but in the entire run they only had a handful of games get on board. Short of Oculus VR directly paying

Also being able to afford to do such a thing helps immensely.

There is also one other thing to be aware of if giving marijuana gifts in states where it is permitted. Check corporate policy since it may be legal in the state but they could still fire you for consuming it.

If I recall, all the big publishers that do mobile are working on some form of casino type games while simultaneously lobbying to allow gambling online/mobile.

Sounds like someone is a patron of Monster/Stonewall in the village.

Neat, biking in isn't so much an option in So Cal I don't think, but many of the stadiums (all over the state) are right by the rails (which offer discount or free transit to/from the stadiums). At the same time, I don't think I would want to share the road with someone who is drunk, pissed off their team lost, and

Isn't the only stadium that allows for bikes is the one in DC, and they are a baseball team.

Usually, when you look at voting habits, the people are always for "Order" above law, which ends up with illegal ordinances being approved, which lead to appeals, and costly trials for the city to be told they were in violation of the law and have to pay the legal fees.

What kind of non-white trash Mexican place serves "queso dip"?

Can I use garlic salt to melt ice if Southern California suddenly got hit with a vortex?

The biggest mistake people make is usually mashing it to the point of baby food.

You don't want to get stains on your kidskin gloves.

No, the best way is to cover it in skyline chili.

The secret is that you don't tell them that part.

Considering she was killed, body destroyed, and brought back earlier in the season, she probably would be back, though not as a supreme.

It is also a circular logic that they use since most of the time they also have a charge of intent. "Why do you have these burglary tools? It's because you intend to rob a place. How do I know you intend to rob a place? Because you have these burglary tools".