
Even in perfect temperature (there is such a thing as too hot, and it will make food oily too) there is residual oil, and often times when you are coating fried food after frying you skip the shake after pulling fried items out of the oil so that the sauce will bond better to the food.

I often wonder why my horticulturist friend (he runs a nursery) stocks ghost and scorpion pepper plants. I think he secretly hates his customers.

When making wings, if you're deep frying I don't think you need to add the extra fat for the sauce (though that may vary by what you're putting on it) since you shouldn't be draining them when they come out of the oil. But if you're doing the roasted kind, then you may need it since there won't be any residual oils.

Perhaps it was hoped that they would last long enough to have a more epic battle, until the trailer trash voted rotel up.

If I recall, things like "tools" or "paraphernalia" type charges are just to add extra penalties to a conviction so that the DA's office looks better.

I am kind of surprised the rotel thing made it as far as it did. That seems like one rung above cheese whiz.

Don't forget so heavily oxidized that they have that white patina on the cut side.

He forgot to also have carrot sticks with the celery, that has to be something.

As lube? I guess that's ok. I prefer the chunky texture myself...

Don't buy buffalo sauce, that is just emulsified FRH with oil. Normal red hot, usually the mix is about 50/50. You can also add in dry spices like smoked paprika if you want more smoke flavor.

I think it is the same reason people buy simple syrup at the store/liquor warehouse, they don't realize how simple the process is and assume it is going to take a ton of work or equipment.

When I have to do wings for a party, I not only do the traditional sauce but I also toss some in my Korean BBQ sauce (it is similar to a spicy version of teriyaki with more flavor than just salty and sweet) and people devour them like they were coated in crack.

I wonder if that is legal in California? A lot of people get angry at how the state is heavily into worker's rights and protections and then blames those same protections when a company leaves the state. You would think they would be more angry at the company for saying "We don't care so much about you and we are

I'm not a LoL player, but if I recall, they don't perma-ban anyone on their service, right?

I do the same thing in my cereal, but I usually use scotch instead. (Kidding)

The one problem with many sugar substitutes is that while they claim to bake up just like normal granulated cane, they don't do it quite right so the textures and timings will be off (so keep an eye on them) and most can't be used in candy making or anything requiring the sugar to caramelize. Additionally, beet sugar

People react to you differently when they think you are forced to not drink vs if you elect to not drink. I think it might be along the lines of someone who goes in for an appendectomy vs breast augmentation. In one case it was life or death, in the other it is a choice and the possibility that your choice will bleed

Man, bitchy boss was being really bad this week, I really wanted to call in sick this week because he was taking bitchy boss to a new level. Either that or spike his coffee hazelnut creamers with Frangelico.

That is nice of the hospital, but damn... he gets hurt on the job (presumably doing the normal tasks required) and he is out of pocket for an accident? Someone at my office got hurt, ironically lifting a box of insurance booklets, and the company paid all medical expenses because it was on company time doing a task

You don't need to be a bad movie to be labeled a flop, that is only based on the return. They over-spent, and this was back when more people would go to the actual theaters.